Air Bag Deployment 01-CR-V

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by twfsa, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    Did $8k damage on the front end of my CR-V and the air bag didn't deploy.

    Where is the sensor that sets it off.

    The estimate is not final as of yet, the body shop has to remove all the
    front end sheet metal so the insurance adjuster can see if there is enough
    hidden damage to total the car.

    I hit a car in an intersection, he's going west I am going north, I make
    contact with his front fender and the whole side of his car with my front
    end, then I hit a 5ft high steel fence made out of 1 1/2 in square tubing, I
    take out a 12ft section, shearing off the post at the cement.

    Tow truck driver can't believe the air bag didn't go off, front fender
    aprons(crumple zone) definitely need to be pulled forward, as the front
    doors are dragging on the stricker plate of the door jam. the doors have to
    be gently lifted in order to shut them, didn't crack front windshield.

    twfsa, Sep 15, 2005
  2. twfsa

    zonie Guest

    The air bags do not deploy if the body is absorbing enough of the impact.
    All conditions must be right for the bag to deploy. Being as you are
    posting this yout face must not have hit the steering wheel and you were
    not seriously hurt, airbag must not have been needed. Your Honda did its
    job. Scott
    zonie, Sep 15, 2005
  3. twfsa

    TeGGeR® Guest

    There are several and they are in the bumper. The airbag ECU makes many
    calculations before it will allow detonation of the airbag's explosives.
    Mostly it's G-loading (over time) and angle of impact that dictate if the
    bag explodes or not.

    If the car is travelling too slowly, the impact is too soft, or on too much
    of an angle from the car's longitudinal axis, the bags will not explode.

    If the bags had gone off, the car would stand a far greater probability of
    being declared to be a total loss on account of the exorbitant cost of
    replacing the bags. In some vehicles, the passenger bag will often smash
    the windshield as it explodes.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 15, 2005
  4. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    A friend of mine hit a deer with her CR-V and the air bags deployed and blew
    out the back window, she claims.

    twfsa, Sep 16, 2005
  5. twfsa

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Musta been one hell of a big air bag.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 16, 2005
  6. twfsa

    TomP Guest

    Please READ your owner's manual, it explains the operation of the Airbag
    system. That is a far better place to get the answer to your question, than the
    anecdotal advice (observations) you will get here. Everyone has a nose, and no
    two are alike.

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    TomP, Sep 17, 2005
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