air bags

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Marcos, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. Marcos

    Marcos Guest

    Some mother-less a$$wipe stole both air bags from my 99 Accord last
    week. Since the low-life retard probably could not pick the lock and was
    not bold enough to break the glass, he punched a hole in the door's
    sheetmetal, next to the lock. The Club was still on the steering wheel
    when I saw the car next morning.
    Unlucky for me, I dropped full coverage on the car on Jan 1,2005...Just
    got too expensive in NYC.
    Total price to repair will be over $2k, out of pocket! Really really sucks.

    How are other urban dwellers preventing the theft of air bags?
    Even though I have off street parking and a reserved spot, the parking
    lot is easily accessible to anyone on foot. The location is well lit.
    I have seen devices similar to "The Club", that prevent air bag theft,
    but how good are these? Also, is there anyway to prevent the theft of
    the passenger air bag?

    Thanks in advance
    Marcos, Mar 29, 2005
  2. Marcos

    Marcos Guest

    I guess I can ask the body shop to look into these.
    HOwever, will screws/bolts prevent the air bag from being replaced after
    they deploy?
    Marcos, Mar 29, 2005
  3. Marcos

    halo2 guy Guest

    Well there are tamperproof screws/bolts that can be used in place of the
    regular screws which may give some measure of protection.
    halo2 guy, Mar 29, 2005
  4. Marcos

    TeGGer® Guest

    Hey, I feel for ya. My sister lives in Oakville, Ontario, Canada,
    not exactly a high-crime area.

    She had the bags in her '00 Civic stolen two months ago. They smashed a
    window and were gone in about a minute with both bags. How the hell did
    they get them out so fast? They did a lot of damage to the interior doing
    it, too.

    I've heard that some people (taxis also) have steel plates welded inside
    the doors near the locks, to prevent thieves from punching through the door
    skin. Don't know what to do about the window glass tho'.

    Doesn't help you here, but I think the only way to prevent theft is to
    bring the cost of the bags down so they're worthless to thieves. Either
    that or chip the bags like a radio, so they're keyed to a specific VIN.
    TeGGer®, Mar 29, 2005
  5. Marcos

    SoCalMike Guest

    id probably go without, honestly. get the new covers to put on, and just
    deal with it. or just get a drivers side bag.
    SoCalMike, Mar 29, 2005
  6. Marcos

    R. P. Guest

    Holy sh*t! I didn't realize there was such a market for airbags. Now
    I'll always be wondering when I see them for sale on eBay.

    R. P., Mar 29, 2005
  7. Marcos

    Bucky Guest


    Oh man, that sucks. I knew a friend that had an airbag stolen, and I
    hear it's pretty common. Easy to steal, lots of money. You can get a
    steering wheel lock that has some extra flanges to cover the air bag
    area. Obviously, professional thieves will just cut that off, but every
    little bit helps.

    You can also not replace the airbag and put a sign in your window that
    says, "airbag already stolen".
    Bucky, Mar 29, 2005
  8. Marcos

    TeGGer® Guest

    Last time I talked to my insurance agent, she told me stolen airbags are
    now more common than stolen cars. Since they're small, expensive, in full
    view, easily removed and not inside a residence, they're prime targets.

    Canadian insurance companies take a dim view of airbags because they cause
    such a high incidence of claimable minor injury (especially in collisions
    that formerly would have resulted in no injuries at all), and because of
    their theft rate.

    You can disconnect or remove your airbags up here with no insurance or
    legal permits or penalties. Garages will do a disconnect for about $40.
    TeGGer®, Mar 29, 2005
  9. Marcos

    TeGGer® Guest

    And because of their replacement cost, which can nearly double the price of
    fixing damage from minor fender-benders.
    TeGGer®, Mar 29, 2005
  10. Didn't you just answer your own question? Thieves don't "work neat" (the
    voice of experience - I lost count on how many times my car was broken
    into when I lived in NYC when it got up to 10-12 times, usually for the
    radio - this was pre-airbag days for moi).
    Sparky Spartacus, Mar 30, 2005
  11. Marcos

    TeGGer® Guest

    Heh, seems so, doesn't it?

    And that's what resulted in OEM radios eventually becoming unique to a
    specific vehicle unless a code was entered. Maybe they need to do the same
    thing with air bags.
    TeGGer®, Mar 30, 2005
  12. Marcos

    dold Guest

    A friend's Civic was totalled after the airbags went off. The extra $3000
    for bag replacement tipped the scales...
    dold, Mar 30, 2005
  13. Marcos

    Marcos Guest

    I wonder if the smart Honda engineers can come up with a way to prevent
    air bag theft, or at least make it NOT worth while. Much like the OEM
    radio, or perhaps etching the VIN on the air bag. I know this would add
    cost to producing the car, but I am paying $1400 simply to purchase the
    replacement air bags, not including the other damage and labor.
    Marcos, Mar 31, 2005
  14. Marcos

    SAC 441 Guest

    I have an idea: If the airbag or airbag well is tampered with,a small
    spray canister explodes and sprays the LITERAL scent of SKUNK (you can
    purchase this chemical) all over him.If this happened enough times to
    the thief,he just MIGHT give up....LOL
    SAC 441, Mar 31, 2005
  15. Marcos

    halo2 guy Guest

    Well you don't have to replace them. You could leave them out. They are
    not required.
    halo2 guy, Mar 31, 2005
  16. Marcos

    Abeness Guest

    Yeah, but then the inside of your car reeks forever after. Ick.
    Abeness, Mar 31, 2005
  17. Marcos

    Marcos Guest

    I assume that a car will not pass inspection without the air bags in place.
    Marcos, Mar 31, 2005
  18. Marcos

    TeGGer® Guest

    In at least some of Canada, it would pass. In the US, not at all.

    -- TeGGer®
    TeGGer®, Mar 31, 2005
  19. Marcos

    halo2 guy Guest

    air bags are not like brakes or tires. If the air bags don't work then it
    is the occupants of the vehicle that will suffer. If other safety items
    like brakes and tires, that are inspected, are not up to snuff then society
    is in danger of being hurt or killed.

    I am unaware of any laws requiring owners to replace air bags as needed. I
    guess they would also need laws saying that if your SRS light comes on you
    need to fix that also. As far as I know they don't. A call to the local
    MVD would probably render a correct answer.
    halo2 guy, Mar 31, 2005
  20. Marcos

    Dee Guest

    It wouldn't, but how are they going to know?
    Dee, Mar 31, 2005
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