Air Conditioner Blows warm to hot air

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by tileguy, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. tileguy

    tileguy Guest

    Hello, I have a 1995 Honda Accord, 4 cyl, 2.2 ltr, and just put in a new
    radiator. Everything went well, except my air conditioner blows warm to
    hot air, everything worked fine prior to changing the radiator. Is there
    something I missed?
    tileguy, Aug 1, 2005
  2. tileguy

    Professor Guest

    Is the compressor running?

    Professor, Aug 2, 2005
  3. tileguy

    Todd K. Guest

    Check both fans behind the radiator when the AC is running. Are these
    blowing a good amount of air?
    Todd K., Aug 2, 2005
  4. tileguy

    motsco_ _ Guest


    If it blows ANY air that is warmer than the outside air, your heater is
    ON, so you need to fix the cables that turn the heater on. I'm sending
    you a document that shows the adjustments. The 'tap' under the hood may
    just be staying on a bit, if it's at all like my '98 Odyssey. '95
    Odyssey was the same.

    motsco_ _, Aug 3, 2005
  5. tileguy

    butch burton Guest

    Same thing happened on my 97 accord - the repair guy pulled apart the
    plug that turns on the AC compressor - actually it causes the clutch to
    engage thus spinning the compressor. Simple to see if the compressor
    is turning - open the hood with the motor running and ac off - look at
    the center of the ac compressor and see if that thing is spinning - it
    won't be with the ac off. Then turn the ac on and look again - if it
    is not spinning - then the clutch is not engaging.

    If the above - trace the wire from the ac and on mine it went to near
    the side of the radiator into a connection and it was that connection
    that the mechanic did not get put back together. Hope that is all - at
    first I thought his grunting and tugging lost a load of gas. The pig
    also stole one of my maps - will have a bigger garage in my new house
    and will be able to avoid guys like that for simple repairs - oh it
    took 3 different radiators before we found one that would not leak -
    Bumper to Bumper Hecho in Mexico. Oh they used the old drain plug - it
    leaked - had to go buy a new one. $375 or so but the dealer wanted
    over $600.

    Let us know what u find - hope it is a simple electrical connection not
    being made.
    butch burton, Aug 3, 2005
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