Air Conditioner Problem with Honda Odyssey

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by randau, Jul 20, 2003.

  1. randau

    randau Guest

    I'm the owner of a 2002 Honda Odyssey. With less than 15,000 highway
    miles, the air conditioner quit working last month so I took it to
    the dealer for diagnosis. I was told that an object (probably a small
    stone) flew into the opening of the grill and punctured the condenser.
    The condenser was not repairable and had to be replaced at the tune of

    When shown where the (radiator like) condenser is located, in front of
    the engine coolant radiator, just behind the large front grill openings
    with no protection and close to the ground, I could see that this was
    poorly designed and that this would occur again and again. The dealer
    stood behind the vehicle's design and said that the problem was due to
    a road hazard and not under warranty.

    Not getting any satisfaction from the dealer, I called American Honda
    customer service, whose rep. listened to my problem and gave me the
    address in Torrence, CA. She admitted that the company has received
    other calls with this same problem. I followed up the phone call
    with a letter explaining the situation. Two weeks later a
    representative left Honda's response to my letter on my voice mail,
    reiterating the dealer's decision.

    Attempting to do a little investigative work on my own, I checked out
    the Honda Odyssey newsgroup, but mostly saw positive experiences
    posted. That's surprising, because it's unusual for people to take
    the trouble to post messages praising something. Seems like most
    postings initiating a thread are generally posted by people being
    motivated by wanting to complain about something. Makes one wonder
    if most these positive postings or replies aren't initiated by people
    with obligations to Honda, i.e., sales rep's, dealers, employees, etc.

    My questions is: Has anyone else out there had their condenser
    damaged by objects coming through the grill -- and what kind of
    support did you get from your dealer and/or Customer Service? Any
    suggestions on how to pursue this problem? Thanks for any help!
    randau, Jul 20, 2003
  2. randau

    E. Meyer Guest

    If your condenser was punctured by an impact from something off the road,
    you should be able to put in an insurance claim under the comprehensive part
    of your policy. I have done this when a rock punctured a headlight lens
    ($160 part) and they paid it without any problem. That is what this
    coverage is for - damage caused by other than collision. I don't know of
    any car that screens off the condenser/radiator from road debris. A
    functional grill in the front of the car is a thing of the past.

    They used to sell sheets of window screen to put over the front of the
    radiator to keep bugs off. This might be a way to protect your condenser in
    the future.
    E. Meyer, Jul 20, 2003
  3. This is a common problem and condensers are being made more and more
    fragile in the quest for lightness. I don't know about other makes of car
    but it's also been bad enough with Acura RSXs that some people have been
    fabricating their own screens which they attach to the inside of the
    "grill" opening. Check with a search in the forum at <> for
    pictures of how to.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 20, 2003
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Our '95 Odyssey came with a piece of window screen already installed in
    front of the rad / condenser. I'll be doing that on our next vehicle
    too. Everything stays cleaner, and since it's a few inches away from the
    coils, small projectiles have most of their inertia absorbed before
    contacting metal.


    To REPLY: You must remove two underscores from the return address to
    reply directly . . . . . .

    Regarding stage performances: When everyone else has finished playing,
    you should not play any notes you have left over. -
    'Curly Q. Links', Jul 21, 2003
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