Air filters

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Cameo, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Cameo

    Cameo Guest

    I never see air filter replacement in the maint. schedule or
    itemized in the bills of my '94 Accord. What gives? Is the air filter a
    non-replaceable item?
    Cameo, Jan 30, 2011
  2. Cameo

    Stewart Guest

    That would be as close to impossible as it could be. If your air
    filter hasn't been changed since '94, there would probably be no
    oxygen to support combustion!
    Stewart, Jan 30, 2011
  3. Cameo

    Tegger Guest

    Check the Maintenance Schedule again; it's in there!

    The interval is probably 30K miles.
    Tegger, Jan 30, 2011
  4. Cameo

    Cameo Guest

    Every 30K miles? No wonder I missed it. It's not a frequent item.
    But I did find it in the maintenance chart, right on the top, under the
    column titles. I must have skipped that row, too.
    By the way, searching for the downloadable service manuals for the
    '94 Accord, I see such designations on the various web sites as Accord
    1994 CD7 CD9 USDM JDM and CE1 CE2. What do they mean by those
    abbreviations? I found one for just plain 1994 Accord but that turned
    out to be for the Coupe. How do I find one for the LX model?
    Cameo, Jan 31, 2011
  5. Cameo

    Tegger Guest

    The manuals found on the Web tend to be for European models. There are
    significant differences betwen US models and those meant for other parts of
    the world, so it's not a good idea to rely on non-US manuals for
    information. Honda's UK division posted some those manuals for free on
    their Website for a while, which is why they're everywhere now.

    As for the "CD", CE", etc., those are internal Honda designations for the
    various Accord chassis. They are different from the EX, LX, etc., that
    you'll find on the trunk lid.

    "CA" was the gereration made from 1986 to 1989, "CB" was made from 1990 to
    1993, "CD" from 1994 to 1997, etc. The numbers after the letter code refer
    to the bodystyle (sedan, wagon...) and to the engine that was installed.

    "EX", LX", etc., are the trim line designations that Honda used to denote
    the models' retail price class.

    The only really reliable source for US-specific Honda information is
    American Honda itself, at:
    It's $10 for a 3-day unlimited subscription.
    Tegger, Jan 31, 2011
  6. Cameo

    C. E. White Guest

    Actually Ford sold Foci with a "lifetime" air filter (not really "lifetime",
    but it didn't have a routine replacement interval). It is not impossible to
    do. In fact most people probably change air filter too often. Here is a link
    to the Visteon website where they discuss their long life filtration system
    (300,000 miles - i.e., lifetime for most cars):

    Ideally vehicles should have a filter restriction indicator to prevent
    chaning filters needlessly. My farm tractors all have these indicators, and
    it is surprising how dirty a filter gets before it triggers the light.

    C. E. White, Jan 31, 2011
  7. C. E. White, wrote the following at or about 1/31/2011 6:57 AM:

    LOL! That still would not prevent the dildos working at Jiffy Screw,
    er, Lube from trying to sell you one at twice the price within 3,000
    miles of having changed yours.
    Unquestionably Confused, Jan 31, 2011
  8. Cameo

    Red Butler Guest

    That's all too true about Jiffy Lube. I usually do my own service. One
    time a few years ago, I had done completed all service items but as I
    went to crawl under the car to drain the oil, I wrenched my back out and
    couldn't complete the job. So I asked my wife to take the car over to
    the neighborhood garage for an oil and filter change only.

    She called about a half hour later saying the garage was jammed up and
    couldn't do it so she took it to a nearby JL instead. The slimeball
    changing the oil informed her that the air filter was filthy and needed
    to be changed.

    I asked her to pop the trunk, tell the guy to look in there and let her
    know if he saw an empty air filter box and a receipt dated a few days
    previous-- and if that might change his opinion about how dirty the air
    cleaner was.

    I wrote a complaint letter to HQ on that one. They called, apologized
    and also sent me a refund and a certificate for a free service-- which I
    promptly sold on craigslist...
    Red Butler, Jan 31, 2011
  9. Cameo

    Dddudley Guest

    Remember seeing that sign in... "Six months ago, I couldn't spell
    computer! Now I fix them!"

    For Jiffy Lube folks: "Last week I couldn't spell asshole, but I still
    are one!"
    Dddudley, Feb 1, 2011
  10. Cameo

    Tegger Guest

    That's a variation of the old engineering-students' joke:
    "Four years ago I couldn't even spell injuneer, and now I are one".
    Tegger, Feb 1, 2011
  11. Cameo

    John Dulak Guest

    That reminds me of a Boston joke;

    A guy gets in the express line at a Boston supermarket with an
    overflowing cart. The cashier looks him over and asks him if he is a
    student to which he answers "Yes". "So tell me", she asks, "are you
    from Harvard and can't count or are you from MIT and can't read?"


    '' Madness takes its toll - Please have exact change. ''

    John Dulak - 40.4888ºN,79.899ºW -
    John Dulak, Feb 1, 2011
  12. Cameo

    Elle Guest

    Just my experience: I found the UK site manuals to be fine for repair
    procedures for years for my Civics. The maintenance schedules are a
    little different for the UK compared to the U.S.

    Not sure how much Do-It-Yourself inclined the OP is, but for others, a
    94 Accord manual may be had at

    Factory service manuals and their excerpts are online free one way or
    another more and more these days. is a good
    resource for finding factory service manuals and excerpts. has what appear to be Chilton manuals free online.
    The Chilton procedures are often identical to the factory service
    manuals. The 94 Accord's maintenance schedule is published for free
    there. The air cleaner is supposed to be replaced every 30k miles of
    two years, whichever comes first. People will scoff at some of this,
    but I think the truth is it depends on what one's budget is. I have
    never purchased a factory service manual and instead have used the
    resources above. I do brakes, timing belts, suspension work, valve
    adjustment everything but alignments, and always having a procedure on
    my workbench.

    OP: The LX coupe, LX sedan, DX coupe and DX sedan all use the same
    engine. Hence the engine maintenance for these two sub-models will be
    the same.
    Elle, Feb 1, 2011
  13. Cameo

    Cameo Guest

    Oh, I don't know ... Just checking one major maintenance item in the '94
    Coupe maint. schedule, the timing belt replacement, shows a big
    difference compared to my Owner's Manual: the Coupe manual specifies
    every 60 K miles, my OM says 90 K. Big difference!
    Cameo, Feb 1, 2011
  14. Cameo

    Tegger Guest

    The primary differences between US/non-US are in electrical, engines,
    engine controls, and fuel/emissions setups.

    Other stuff is likely to be the same as US models.
    Tegger, Feb 2, 2011
  15. Cameo

    Tegger Guest

    Engines, belts, and pulleys are mechanically identical the world-over. A
    Unitta timing belt installed in a SOHC F-series engine doesn't care if the
    engine resides in England or in North Carolina.

    Some years ago, Honda suffered a couple of class-action lawsuits, for two
    1) originally /not/ mentioning timing-belt replacement in their Owner
    Manuals, and then
    2) specifying a too-conservative replacement interval of 60K when they
    finally /did/ mention it.

    These had the result of forcing Honda to stretch US maintenance intervals
    as far as they dared. Honda never changed the maintenance intervals for
    non-US models. America's idiotic tort system is therefore ultimately
    responsible for the differences you see.
    Tegger, Feb 2, 2011
  16. Cameo

    Cameo Guest

    Even the oil change interval is different in the '94 Coupe shop manual:
    6,000 miles, which translates the real world severe condition as 3,000
    miles. The respective figures in my LX owner manuals are 7,500 and 3,750
    miles. As most maint. items are tied to the oil change intervals in the
    schedule, it indeed looks like the maintenance interval of other items
    of the coupe are compressed by the same ratio the oil change intervals
    are, compared to the LX.
    Cameo, Feb 2, 2011
  17. Cameo

    Elle Guest

    I meant that the UK manuals will have the same timing belt replacement
    interval for both the Accord Coupe LX and the Accord Coupe DX (along
    with sedan versions): All are 60k for these cars when driven in the UK
    (= United Kingdom). I think it is more frequent in the UK because of
    the weather etc. there. Canada likewise has more severe weather, so if
    memory serves, going to the Canadian Honda site will turn up a 60k
    interval, too. The Autozone site shows the figures to use in the U.S.
    for both the DX and LX, either coupe or sedan in "normal" conditions:
    90k or six years, whichever comes first, and the same as your owners'
    manual. Both the Autozone site and your Owners' manual have a 60k mile
    interval for "severe" conditions.
    Elle, Feb 2, 2011
  18. Cameo

    Elle Guest

    A D15B2 engine in the UK manuals is going to have almost or exactly
    identical procedures (e.g timing belt replacement) as a D15B2 in the
    U.S. shop manual. Among other likenesses.
    Elle, Feb 2, 2011
  19. Cameo

    Tegger Guest

    As I said the other day, "Engines, belts, and pulleys are mechanically
    identical the world-over."

    When I also said "engines" in the message you quoted above, I really meant
    "controls", which I also listed. So my first mention of "engines" was
    redundant and confusing.

    I revise my list to, "...electrical, engine controls, and fuel/emissions
    Tegger, Feb 2, 2011
  20. Cameo

    Cameo Guest

    I've never heard the normal/severe distinction for timing belt
    replacement intervals before. Are you sure about that?
    Cameo, Feb 2, 2011
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