Air Vent dirt or Rust?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Randall Fox, May 31, 2005.

  1. Randall Fox

    Randall Fox Guest

    I have a 1996 Honda Prelude.

    I bought it used a little over 2 years ago. I have noticed a slow
    accumulation of brown dust in the air vent pockets. Specifically
    where the air vent connects to the drivers front door. (you see the
    vent when you open the door, it is in the dash. ).. But I noticed it
    in other places as well.

    I have cleaned it before (vacuum), but it always comes back.

    I thought it might be an interior vent air filter deteriorating, but
    the service manual doesn't mention one.

    The particles are bigger than dust particles, and brown in color. A
    friend said he had something similar with a home A/C, where it turned
    out to be rust.

    I rarely use the A/C, and usually use the heater, and/or the blower is
    on a lot of the time, blowing unconditioned air much of the time.

    I live in a fairly dry (low humidity) climate, northern california..

    I suppose I will need to remove the blower/heater unit and inspect it,
    but I am wondering if anyone has seen this before?


    Randall Fox
    Randall Fox, May 31, 2005
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