Airbags / Cellphones CR-V 2003

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Stud Muffin, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. Stud Muffin

    Stud Muffin Guest

    After the 3rd service for my daughter's 2003 CR-V for the airbag light
    staying illuminated, the dealer told her it is because "she has a cellphone"
    and that using the cellphone in the front seat may cause the malfunction to
    repeat. Incredulous, she called me and asked if I didn't think it complete
    BULLSHIT. I did. So the Service Manger (Vicki - Honda, Goleta / Santa
    Barbara California) called me and CONFIRMED this. We called (daughter and
    I via conference call) Customer Relations in Torrence California where they
    AGAIN CONFIRMED this problem The Rep told my daughter to use the phone in
    the back seat and not place it in the front of the car!

    The dealer / Vicki / called and said they wanted to "try something" and
    asked for the car again, and that they had "ordered a part." ---- Now being
    serviced for the 4th time in the year, they now claimed the problem (which
    they failed to diagnose week before) was that she had "spilled something" on
    the passenger seat. Well, in fact, she HAD spilled something on the seat a
    few weeks before.

    So what to believe? Cellphones deactivate airbag systems AND / OR don't
    let the passenger seat get wet? EITHER one of these would seem serious
    defects warranting recall or warning to consumers.
    Stud Muffin, Jul 10, 2004
  2. Stud Muffin

    motsco_ _ Guest


    You could take this question over to, and when you get the
    answer, bring it back for all to share . . . .

    motsco_ _, Jul 10, 2004
  3. Stud Muffin

    Stud Muffin Guest

    PS - How many failed airbags does Honda need before a recall? How many
    fires before they replace the vehicles?
    Stud Muffin, Jul 11, 2004
  4. Stud Muffin

    Chip Stein Guest

    if the seat gets wet it will cause problems, cellphones are
    notorious for causing interference, especially nextell phones.
    if she spilled something then it's her problem not hondas!!!!!!!!
    Chip Stein, Jul 11, 2004
  5. Stud Muffin

    lkitesplit Guest

    Now why in the hell would spilling something on the passenger have any
    effect on the air bag? I'm not a mechanic so I don't know the answer. Is
    there some sort of trigger for the air bag in the seat? It doesn't seem
    logical. Bumper, yes, door maybe, seat....I don't think so.
    lkitesplit, Jul 11, 2004
  6. Stud Muffin

    Randolph Guest

    Some cars have a sensor in the seat to detect if anyone is sitting
    there. If the seat is empty, the air bag won't deploy. Perhaps that
    sensor was damaged by the spilled liquid?
    Randolph, Jul 11, 2004
  7. Stud Muffin

    Tony Hwang Guest

    The air bag sensor. If there is nobody on the passenger seat,
    it disables air bag on that side.
    I think most cars do this.
    Tony Hwang, Jul 11, 2004
  8. Stud Muffin

    Stud Muffin Guest

    Apparently there are sensors in the seats... not to explode if empty... not
    to hit a child?.... but I do think it foreseeable that seats get wet. Did
    anyone ever leave their window open (or sunroof) and a sudden rainstorm
    occurred? I guess that doesn't happen in Japan. Between the airbags,
    fires, and other recalls, (brakes, transmission cables)... GM is lookin'
    Stud Muffin, Jul 11, 2004
  9. Stud Muffin

    Brian Smith Guest

    As long as you have a tow truck on retainer, go for it! ;^)
    Brian Smith, Jul 11, 2004
  10. Stud Muffin

    Chip Stein Guest

    yes there are sensors in the seats. The OPDS system determins if a
    passenger is tall enough and or weighs enough for the side air bag to
    deploy, of course they could do away with this and have the side
    airbag rip the head off of your passenger if that's more to your
    personall i think airbags should be an option. the government is
    the only reason the issues come up at all.
    further, if someone spilled something on the seat and caused the
    problem it should cost you dearly to fix it, it's not hondas fault the
    daughter can't keep from spilling things!!!!
    Chip Stein, Jul 11, 2004
  11. Stud Muffin

    lkitesplit Guest

    I wish I could shut mine off. At what speed do they deploy?? 10-12 mph??
    I've hit things in a go cart faster than that as a kid. Who wants to be
    punched in the face by an air bag? Not me...

    lkitesplit, Jul 12, 2004
  12. Stud Muffin

    K G Guest

    I have a 2000 accord and if the passenger seat has anything other than a
    person in it my airbag light stays on. i first noticed this one day
    after i got out of class, i put my bookbag in the seat and the light
    came on and it does this even if the cell phone is laying in the seat.
    K G, Jul 17, 2004
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