Alarm horn sound obscenely loud (2005 CR-V)

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by GaryJaz, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. GaryJaz

    GaryJaz Guest

    I bought the alarm system and no one has stolen my beast yet, but damn,
    I'm afraid to lock and unlock the thing at my apartment cuz the horn
    beep is so loud. Do I have any other options than taking it in to the
    dealer to get the sound confirmation turned off? I would like one of
    those cool little spacey chirps that every other car has.
    GaryJaz, Apr 27, 2005
  2. GaryJaz

    Seth Guest

    Without knowing the make and model of the alarm, we will be of little help
    as it does not sound like a factory system.
    Seth, Apr 27, 2005
  3. GaryJaz

    MAT Guest

    Is it the second click on the clicker that makes a beep? I have keyless
    entry and I only get the beep on the second click for confirmation. See if
    one click is enough to have NO confirmation beep at all. I think these
    things were engineered so that the beep is there in case you really need
    audible confirmation like being close to a highway or anyplace with lots of
    ambient noise. Like my dufus neighbor he beeps his stock keyless entry
    every time he leaves the car even when it's dead silent outside, like the
    thunk of the locks and blink of the lights isnt enough, he has to beep his
    presence!!! Man it grates the hell out of me..
    MAT, Apr 27, 2005
  4. The double press also eliminates the grace period that would allow
    somebody still in the car to exit. Not sure why that's useful. I'm not
    stopping if I think the car will be stolen in the next 15 seconds.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Apr 28, 2005
  5. GaryJaz

    Woody Guest

    It also verifies that all the doors are fully closed and locked..
    Woody, Apr 29, 2005
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