
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Harold Adrain Russell Philby, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. I've sold the beloved Integra and have inherited an Accord:

    Does anyone know how to spell "Granny Panties" in Italian?
    Harold Adrain Russell Philby, Dec 8, 2004
  2. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    bob Guest

    I believe it is...

    bob, Dec 8, 2004
  3. 1st: It is FIAT, not "Fiat", as it is an acronym for Fabbrica
    Italiana Automobili Torino.

    2nd: You are obviously a source of "knowledge" concerning a wide
    variety of automobiles: I am "truly" humbled, and "tremble at your
    Harold Adrain Russell Philby, Dec 8, 2004
  4. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    bob Guest

    And here I thought it stood for

    Fix It Again Tony
    bob, Dec 9, 2004
  5. ....It would still then be FIAT, not Fiat, nutsack.
    Harold Adrain Russell Philby, Dec 9, 2004
  6. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    bob Guest

    What is your problem? A couple of lighthearted posts in response to your
    original, and it degrades into vulgarity. Wow. That really whips all us
    denizens of usenet land into shape.
    bob, Dec 10, 2004
  7. "Lighthearted"...

    How "wonderful" for you, that such ignorant prejudice comes so easily.

    I wouldn't tolerate your crap in a bar or cafe, I won't here either.
    Harold Adrian Russell Philby, Dec 10, 2004
  8. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    bob Guest

    The good Lord really overlooked you when it came to common sense and social
    interaction didn't he? You are an arrogant fool. If you couldn't see humor
    in the responses, I can almost feel pity for you. But after all, you were
    the same pompous moron that had to ask when to change a timing belt. Google
    too hard to handle for you? Sadly, cretins like lessen the utility of this

    As for the bar, you'll just have yourself and other mental dwarves like
    yourself to tolerate.

    Oh, and by the way, I'm italian.
    bob, Dec 10, 2004
  9. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    a Guest

    For someone correcting others' posts, you deserve an award for the
    arbitrarily and incorrectly using quotation marks.

    a, Dec 10, 2004
  10. ....Nothing funny about cultural intolerance.
    Google starts discussions?
    Your idiotic responses are now "utilitarian"?
    ....Eating frozen pizza does not make one Italian, "paisan".
    Harold Adrian Russell Philby, Dec 10, 2004
  11. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    a Guest

    Stop that. They're used incorrectly, annoying and quite ironic. I can
    just imagine you signing air-quotes with your fingers as you type.

    a, Dec 10, 2004
  12. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    a Guest

    For someone correcting others' posts, you deserve an award for
    arbitrarily and incorrectly using quotation marks.

    a, Dec 10, 2004
  13. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    bob Guest

    Nothing is funny about cultural intolerance - there simply wasn't any here.
    How is making light of an auto manufacturer culturally intolerant? Did I
    miss how Fiat and Italy are now synonyms? Tantamount to equating "Jaguar,
    can pass anything on the street except a service station" to UK (or now US)
    bashing. That is a less than tenuous link. In fact, it is a non-existent

    Oh and by the way, you may like to check the Fiat website - where you might
    just find (I know it will be hard for you to do so, with the amazing lack of
    alacrity in all things web you've displayed) the name of the company is
    "Fiat Auto SpA".

    Have you used your MI6 contacts to check my ancestry, comrade?
    bob, Dec 10, 2004
  14. Just when did the use of quotation marks to indicate 1) a direct
    quotation, or 2) ironic usages, become either "arbitrary" or
    Harold Adrian Russell Philby, Dec 10, 2004
  15. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    bob Guest

    Actually, you are giving him too much credit, as his correction, is actually
    bob, Dec 10, 2004
  16. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    a Guest

    Hilarious, isn't it?


    a, Dec 10, 2004
  17. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    a Guest

    Print your post, take it to your 10th grade English teacher and they
    will explain what you did wrong.

    a, Dec 10, 2004
  18. You're an Italian, yet know nothing of Italy's industrial history?
    "Fix It Again *Tony*"... Why not Tommy, Timmay?
    FFS... One hasty post...
    And yet still FIAT is an acronym for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili
    Torino. ..."Fiat" is a marketing-friendly homonym.
    Harold Adrian Russell Philby, Dec 10, 2004
  19. Harold Adrain Russell Philby

    bob Guest

    Less than I should, but Italy is so much more than Fiat, wouldn't you say?
    The remark is not a slam on Tony, it is a slam on Fiat. Picking a name that
    most would construe as consistent with the manufacturer's country isn't
    really out of place is it? So the only comment, if you will, being made
    about Tony is to be a typical Italian name, that happens to start with "T".
    I don't know anyone that uses Tony as a slur against Italians. If such a
    loaded name were used, I could definitely see your point of view. The
    bottom line remains, it is not Tony at center of this remark, it is Fiat.
    Overactive political correctness has ruined even simple discourse.
    Yes, the logo on the cars is FIAT, and yes I already knew the origin of it,
    but in fact the company name is Fiat. Dinging me for referring to it the
    same way as the company itself, hardly seems warranted.
    I'm glad you appreciated that humor. Is it time to stop wasting our time on
    this thread?
    bob, Dec 10, 2004
  20. ....Why can't you answer a simple, direct question?
    Harold Adrian Russell Philby, Dec 10, 2004
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