Almost lost a socket

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DemoDisk, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. DemoDisk

    DemoDisk Guest

    I need something strong to retrieve a wrench socket from a deep spark
    plug port. There's a rubber ring inside to keep out dust, and it pulls
    the socket right off the extension bar when you try to withdraw it.

    I just barely managed to fish it out with one of those 3-prong grabbers,
    and I'd like to know what you would use. Even better if it's some
    ordinary thing around the house instead of a specialty item from a
    hardware store.

    DemoDisk, Apr 6, 2010
  2. DemoDisk

    pws Guest

    It is a bit of a specialty item, but I have had good luck with what is
    basically a strong magnet attached to a metal collapsible antenna. It
    would be easy to make one but they are not expensive.

    With the dust boot contacting the socket to brush it off, the magnet
    might not work, so it might have required the 3-prong grabber like you used.

    The magnet tool is really good for small metal pieces that you can not
    see since you do not always have to make direct contact with whatever
    you are fishing for, and the thin metal rod allows you to reach places
    that you could never otherwise reach with your fingers.
    pws, Apr 6, 2010
  3. DemoDisk

    jim beam Guest

    you need a locking extension bar - like this:

    there are cheaper versions, but this is the general type you want. try
    before you buy - i've had to return one for not holding sockets well
    enough, but its replacement locks solid.
    jim beam, Apr 6, 2010
  4. DemoDisk

    Joe Sixpack Guest

    I've got one of these

    screwed to the end of a dowel. It will pull trucks out of the mud...
    Joe Sixpack, Apr 6, 2010
  5. DemoDisk

    Tegger Guest

    Piece of coat-hanger wire.

    Bend a sharp 90-degree into one end, and cut that end off at about 1/8"
    long. Hook the end inside and under the square hole in the socket and pull

    If you can't get the end to hook under securely, bend it a bit more than
    90-deg, and tap it flat(ish) with a hammer.
    Tegger, Apr 6, 2010
  6. DemoDisk

    Tegger Guest

    Turns out "DemoDisk" does not know how (or care) to properly cross-post. He
    posted this identical question to, and has responded to the
    single reply he got there.
    Tegger, Apr 6, 2010
  7. DemoDisk

    DemoDisk Guest

    DemoDisk properly DIDN'T crosspost because he's seen so many damn flames
    directed at people who do crosspost. And he'll go to the trouble of
    thanking whoever bothers to reply. Even you.

    Beyond that, I guess I don't care. I break all the rules. I'm a rebel.
    DemoDisk, Apr 6, 2010
  8. DemoDisk

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Rebels sometimes get executed. Or kf'ed

    - dillon I am not invalid

    The RMS Titanic sank on April 15th.
    Taxes are due on April 15th.
    Coincidence? I think not.
    Dillon Pyron, Apr 15, 2010
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