alternator needed

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by shakenbake, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. shakenbake

    shakenbake Guest

    I need specific info on how to locate the exact alternator replacement for
    my 84 model prelude 1.8L engine after atempting to replace it with an auto
    zone reman only to discover the plugins were not the same the original has
    only 2 while most if not all i've seen so far on the net and local parts
    store are equipped with 3 prongs which after installation will not charge.
    any info on this topic will be greatly appreciated
    shakenbake, Aug 26, 2005
  2. I got one off of ebay for $40 US, for an 87 prelude 1.8L.

    Whats wrong with yours? Pretty easy and inexpensive to replace the brushes
    and bearings. After I bought that one off of ebay, I rebuilt the old one for
    about $8.

    Best thing to do is put your old one side by side with the new one, make sure
    the plugs and mounting points are the same. Some are interchangeable, some

    Your 84 has an external regulator, just like the 87. I'm in Winnipeg, if you
    wanna buy this one offa me let me know.

    T L via, Aug 26, 2005
  3. shakenbake

    Elle Guest

    Like the other poster said, you can try Ebay or doing your own rebuild.

    Also consider a remanufactured alternator from Majestic online OEM honda
    parts. It's $112 + s/h there.
    Elle, Aug 27, 2005
  4. shakenbake

    shakenbake Guest

    T L the problem is i returned the core to a local auto parts store when i
    purchased the reman. and it was shipped out or so they say before i
    returned for it and a refund. I don't have anything to work with unable to
    locate any salvage part how much for the one off yours or which units will
    shakenbake, Aug 27, 2005
  5. Hey shake,

    Where are you located? I gotta put it back together and test it, but I'm
    sure its good to go. It cost me about $40 canadian by the time I got it here
    and everything. Only thing that was not right about it was that the thread
    for the pulley bolt was a little messed up. I will see if it is fixable, and
    if so, would you want it?

    According to the websites I have checked, it is interchangeable... but you
    may want to do some research yourself.

    T L via, Aug 27, 2005
  6. PS, the way I checked to see if they are interchangeable was to go to I then checked the part number of the alternator
    for an 84, and compared it to the 87. They were the same...

    T L via, Aug 27, 2005
  7. shakenbake

    shakenbake Guest

    ya T I certainly would be interested in purchasing the alternator would
    quote me a price i'am located in Pine Bluff Arkansas
    shakenbake, Aug 27, 2005
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