Alternator Needs Replacement....1982 Honda

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by josuha1954, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. josuha1954

    josuha1954 Guest

    I have to take out the alternator on my 1982 Honda Accord.
    Does anyone know the best way to do this?

    The alternator sits near the bottom of the engine.
    It has the power steering pump and air conditioner unit over it.
    It does'nt appear enough room to take it out from the bottom.

    If there is a procedure to do this, I would appreciate someone
    enlightening me.

    Who designs this stuff?
    josuha1954, Mar 16, 2008
  2. josuha1954

    Tegger Guest

    You probably have to pull the left driveshaft to get the alternator out.
    Tegger, Mar 16, 2008
  3. Tegger may be correct, but in my 1993 Accord 4 door, I managed to work
    the alternator out through the engine compartment. It took lots of
    twisting and rotating, but no force was required. As I recall, nothing
    had to be removed, but it is possible I had to take out a bracket..
    There was no logic to the process, just a lot of trial and error.

    Elliot Richmond
    Itinerant astronomy teacher
    Elliot Richmond, Mar 16, 2008
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