Anit Theft Alarm

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob Peraner, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. Bob Peraner

    Bob Peraner Guest

    I have a 2003 Civic EX. I know it has an immobilizing anti-theft device,
    but thought it was quiet. Yesterday, I had parked, and while I was
    removing the key and getting out, the horn began sounding, in a pulsating
    manner and the lights began flashing on and off.

    I put the key back in and the alarms stopped. The car acted completely

    Has this happened to anyone?
    Bob Peraner, Jan 26, 2006
  2. Bob Peraner

    radix33 Guest

    Yes, as far as I know putting the key into the ignition resets the

    radix33, Feb 1, 2006
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