Annoying Tail light Leak - 91 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Todd K., Dec 9, 2004.

  1. Todd K.

    Todd K. Guest

    Every time I get a heavy rainstorm, my passenger side tail light fills
    up water and when I open the trunk, it empties inside the trunk.

    I replaced the gasket with a new one, but the problem persists. Any
    other ideas?


    Todd K.
    Todd K., Dec 9, 2004
  2. Todd K.

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Search this group (or Google) for more info. It's probably among the
    'top ten' questions asked about Hondas. . . :-(

    motsco_ _, Dec 9, 2004
  3. Todd K.

    Todd K. Guest

    I did do an extensive search. Most replies said a new gasket fixed
    the problem.

    Todd K.
    Todd K., Dec 9, 2004
  4. Todd K.

    TeGGer® Guest

    The seal between the lens and reflector has likely cracked somewhere.

    I don't know if this would work for an Accord with the lights in the trunk
    lid, but one workaround is to remove the light and drill a few tiny holes
    in the bottom of the reflector near the lens, at the lowest points of the
    reflector, outboard of the gasket. 3/32" or 1/8" would be a good size. The
    idea is to allow the water to drain when it does get in.

    You may also be able to cure the leak by smearing some aquarium-grade
    silicone sealant all around the join between lens and reflector.
    TeGGer®, Dec 9, 2004
  5. My '90 accord did the same thing. New gasket did not help. finally
    used a new gasket and installed it with clear silcone. stopped the
    problem. I don't think the coutours of the trunk lid and the light
    frame pull up tight enough to seal the gasket without some help.
    Frank Boettcher, Dec 11, 2004
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