Another creaking question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by GI Joe, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. GI Joe

    GI Joe Guest


    I bought a 2001 Civic from a dealer about 5 weeks ago. All was fine
    until the day before yesterday, driving down the M1 I started hearing
    creaking coming from what sounded like under the driver's seat. When I
    was off the motorway, the sound was much more noticeable, and seemed
    to be worse when just moving off, switching from first to second, or
    when going over bumps. Basically it sounded like something was hanging
    loose and swinging when the car moved. By the time I'd driven another
    few miles the sound was terrible, like a constent grinfing whenever I
    set off from standing , through first to second. After that there was
    general squeaking going over bumps, etc.

    I was staying away from home, so decided to see how it was on teh way
    back up before taking it to the dealer. When Is tarted off, it sounded
    fine, no problems at all. After about 20 minutes on the M1 the
    squeaking came back, but there was no grinding as the previous day. I
    took it to the dealer and went for a drive with the mechanic. The
    squeaking was there, but not half a bad as it was the day before - I'm
    not sure if he believed me, but never mind.

    Getting the car on the ramp he deduced it was a worn washer on the
    heat shield, and replaced it with a bigger one. I drove the short
    distance home and didn't notice any problem. This morning driving to
    work, however, I notice the sound was back. Obviously teh car needs to
    be 'warmed up' before the problem appears. Has anyone had anything
    similar? I was thinking it could be something with the suspension, but
    would this get worse the longer the journey, and then disappear

    Any help you could give before I go back to the dealer again would be

    GI Joe, Oct 26, 2007
  2. GI Joe

    motsco_ Guest


    Another guy had similar noises and it turned out to be a bad weld joint
    under the driver's door. It drove him NUTS trying to figure it out. I'm
    guessing your driver's door is on the right side, yes? What's your mileage?

    motsco_, Oct 26, 2007
  3. GI Joe

    GI Joe Guest

    Mileage is 43000, and yes driver's door is on the right.
    GI Joe, Oct 29, 2007
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