antifreeze in 95 honda gone and car overheat

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bigl16, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. bigl16

    bigl16 Guest

    i replaced my radiator and resivor since my radiator cracked now when
    i drive my engine overheats and white smoke comes up outta my resivior
    cap i put more antifreeze in my radiator yesterday and today i checked
    my radiator and the antifreeze is gone ??

    it was filled to the top yesterday and today its completly empty
    i got it cecked at a shop and they said my radiator is fine and put
    antifreeze in it put the same problem keeps happening
    bigl16, Apr 29, 2005
  2. bigl16

    Jason Guest

    I advise you to take your car to a radiator shop and discuss this problem
    with the supervisor. It's my guess that you are NOT following the correct
    procedures in filling your radiator. While at the shop, have them replace
    your thermostat.
    Jason, Apr 29, 2005
  3. bigl16

    Woody Guest

    Take it to a reputable service shop and have them diagnose the problem since
    you do not have the ability to determine what is wrong. Do this before you
    blow your engine if you haven't already....
    Woody, Apr 29, 2005
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