Any problem with Arco gas? (its the cheapest stuff around)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by piclistguy, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. piclistguy

    piclistguy Guest

    With gas prices so high, I noticed that Arco gas is on average 10-20
    cents cheaper (than Chevron, Mobil and 76). Is there anything with
    Arco gas? Please share your experiences, especially if you use Arco
    gas in your Honda car engine.
    piclistguy, Jul 24, 2007
  2. piclistguy

    Steve Sobol Guest

    ["Followup-To:" header set to ca.driving.]
    No problem here. Was driving a 1996 Saturn with 200K miles, just bought an
    '03 Ford Focus ZX5 with around 80K at time of purchase, wife drives an '05
    Kia Sedona we bought new. 87 octane in all three vehicles.

    My major complaint is that the ATM card terminals (especially the printers)
    tend to not work very well in this area. When I worked at a BP-branded gas
    station we were empowered to fix mechanical stuff -- not the credit-card
    readers themselves, but we were at least allowed to change the paper. ARCO
    seems to be the red-headed stepchild of BP's family.

    And since I get a gas allowance from work, in the form of an ARCO fleet card,
    if I want to take advantage of the allowance, I really have no choice but to
    use ARCO.

    But I've never had problems with the quality of their gasoline.
    Steve Sobol, Jul 24, 2007
  3. piclistguy

    jim beam Guest

    why are you posting twice?
    jim beam, Jul 24, 2007
  4. piclistguy

    * Guest

    Because people are not answering him anywhere near as quickly as he
    believes he deserves to be answered........THAT'S why!
    *, Jul 24, 2007
  5. piclistguy

    Slacker Guest

    Gas is gas--- it's a commodity like sugar, wheat, cement, etc. Any major
    brand purchased from a reputable station in decent shape is fine. The brands
    differ slightly by what additives the distributor puts in-- but all are
    Slacker, Jul 24, 2007
  6. piclistguy

    jim beam Guest

    and beer is beer?
    jim beam, Jul 24, 2007
  7. piclistguy

    Slacker Guest

    No, beer is definitely not a commodity. There are all different kinds with
    varying tastes, properties, etc. Grain alcohol on the other hand, is.
    Slacker, Jul 24, 2007
  8. piclistguy

    jim beam Guest

    beer is mostly water with small amounts of additives. the variances you
    taste are brought about by very small changes in chemistry relative one
    to another and if you were not putting it in your mouth, you'd be really
    hard pressed to differentiate. if you had an organ that could
    assimilate gasoline like you can beer, you could tell just as much
    jim beam, Jul 25, 2007
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