Anyone have contact info for Honda's Corporate office?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Stolen2005CR50, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. My son's Christmas present was stolen this weekend. He is 5 and I had
    just bought a CR50 for him with training wheels. I financed it thru
    honda and they have everything on it I also have the police reports and
    such. I am hoping there might be some way Honda could hook me up with a
    bike at cost to replace it. Honda already made the profit on the
    original sale so it is not like they would lose money. I am just hoping
    i can replace the motorcycle for him by Christmas. Once the deductible
    comes out of the insurance, if It is even covered by Homeowners
    insurance I don't think I'll be able to swing the difference in time.
    So if anyone has knows of some Corporate contact inof I would
    appreciate it. Or if you see a CR50 go up for sale in the midwest for
    an unusually cheap price let me know.

    Stolen2005CR50, Nov 29, 2005
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