Anyone having starting problems Honda civic 03

Discussion in 'Civic' started by harpo, Mar 27, 2005.

  1. harpo

    harpo Guest

    I seem to be having problems with my car not starting right away, the engine
    keeps turning over but takes a while until it actually starts. I had a 02
    and it left me stranded a few times, so they traded it in and now my 03
    seems to be following in it's unreliability. Granted my 03 civic will
    start, it has put me into a scare on wether or not it will actually decide
    one day that it just may not. It seems very sporatic and does it like once
    a week. I don't know what to think any more, my mechanic says it's totally
    normal for that to happen, but I think that is a load of ****.
    harpo, Mar 27, 2005
  2. Try hitting the starter for about half a second, wait for about a second,
    then try starting it. If the fuel rail is losing pressurization (leaky
    injector, bad check valve, etc.) the first crank will often confuse the
    mixture and the car will be very hard to start. The bump and wait procedure
    is a shadetree test for that.

    If it is overdue for a tuneup, definitely do that. And a bottle of injector
    cleaner can't hurt; might help.

    There is a specific reason why your car is being hard to start. Taking care
    of any overlooked maintenance is a good place to begin, but ultimately you
    will need to pin it down if the problem persists.

    Michael Pardee, Mar 27, 2005
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