anyone use the "Tornado"?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by thegregster, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. thegregster

    thegregster Guest

    Hi, just saw the infomercial for the "Tornado" which is a metal part
    that you install in your intake hose. It is supposed to spin the air
    coming into the engine and increase horsepower and improve gas mileage.
    It's about $70. I wanted to know if anyone has tried one??
    thegregster, Jul 22, 2003
  2. thegregster

    Pete Guest

    It's a scam. Stay away.
    Pete, Jul 22, 2003
  3. It increased my mileage by 50% and my horsepower by 25%. The engine runs
    smoother, my gray hair is gone, and the cat has come back from the grave.
    All this for the low-low price of only $70!

    Seriously, this scam has been around for a decade, and is more stupid now
    than ever. Especially considering all the engineering that goes into intake
    manifolds and valving to increase tumble, stratify the charge, etc. for
    mileage and power.

    Daryl Krzewinski, Jul 23, 2003
  4. thegregster

    Fluffy Guest

    If it works so well... all auto manufacturers will install it in their
    vehicles as a standard equipment because it increases the gas mileage as
    well as HP. A consumer report article about a year back tested this product
    on 4 vehicles of different sizes and ran it through some tests. If I
    remember correctly, couple vehicles got worst gas mileage and the other two
    had absolutely no difference in HP or gas mileage.
    Fluffy, Jul 23, 2003
  5. thegregster

    thegregster Guest

    Ok, thanks for the informative reply.
    thegregster, Jul 23, 2003
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