Anyone using metal tapes with their Honda factory stereo?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Andy, Sep 29, 2003.

  1. Andy

    Andy Guest

    I plan to use TDK MA metal tapes with the accord factory
    standard stereo and was wondering if anyone has use metal
    tapes with this deck before and if so has there been any
    problems with tape head wear?
    Is "metal tape cause more head damage than type 2 and 1
    tapes" myth or fact?

    Andy, Sep 29, 2003
  2. Andy

    Pete Guest

    There's so more damage from a metal tape (type III) than from any other tape
    (type I and type II). But there is no benefit either because the factory
    deck cannot take advantage of the wider frequency spectrum that a properly
    recorded metal tape offers, so it's pretty much just throwing your money
    away, unless you already have a bunch of metal tapes that you want to kill
    off by playing them in the car where they get very hot and eventually
    stretch out and/or get tangled inside. :-(

    I'm assuming CD player is not an option for you, otherwise CD-Rs are much
    cheaper than any tapes and offer superior frequency range and no noise/hiss.
    They also can't get tangled inside. ;-)


    Pete, Sep 29, 2003
  3. Not only can CD-R be found for 0.05 USD, but CD-R records in 1/4 to 1/32
    of the time it takes to record a tape. A CD-R damaged in a car costs
    much less in both time and money.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Sep 29, 2003
  4. Andy

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Some Honda radios detect metal tapes and adjust accordingly. As far as
    wear, I cannot say.
    Jafir Elkurd, Sep 29, 2003
  5. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Are you sure about the tape head wear thing? I also
    think that metal and chrome tapes are the same as far as
    wear go, but just wanted to be sure.
    This is actually for my sisters' cars. They do not live
    near me so I can't replace their decks for them. I'd if
    I could, but it's not an option. I found this place that
    sells TDK MAs cheaper than you can get the SA-Xs. I don't
    known if they're legit or if the TDK MA is any better than the
    As far as wasting money using metal tapes in a car
    deck. Type 4 tapes offer more advantages than simply
    wider frequency response.
    1. You can record at a higher level, thus better S/N
    2. Music lasts longer on metal tape than any other tapes.

    I recorded something on a Sony Metal ES more than 10
    years ago and recently I listen to it again and it sounded
    almost as good as the CD source. All the stuff I recorded
    onto anything Type II has mild dropouts here and there.
    I'm not saying that the TDK MA will be in the same ballpark,
    it probably isn't, but what the heck if I can get it cheaper
    than SA-Xs, right??
    Andy, Sep 30, 2003
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