Appreciate your help for Car-Fax report

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mark, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. mark

    mark Guest

    Hi group,

    I am buying a Honda CR-V EXL 2007 and really appreciate if someone can
    kindly provide me a car-fax report for it.

    VIN = 5J6RE48797L804012

    mark, Aug 15, 2008

  2. Sure, no problem. How much are you offering?
    J.H. Holliday, Aug 15, 2008
  3. mark

    mark Guest

    Is 10$ ok? I need the car-fax report urgently, I am not sure how can I
    transfer funds?
    mark, Aug 15, 2008
  4. mark

    Elle Guest

    Pay $25 for sixty days of unlimited checking at . Many on the internet say is a
    bit better than .
    Elle, Aug 15, 2008
  5. mark

    Dan C Guest

    Then pay for it yourself, dirtbag.

    Why would anyone give you something for free, that they had to pay for?
    Dan C, Aug 16, 2008
  6. mark

    mark Guest

    It is very disappointing to see such a rude people in this forum.
    3 years ago when I had 10 car-fax reports, gave a couple of reports to
    some people on another news group, free.
    Why when someone who has already paid and can get free report for
    others, don't this? except someone mean like you won't do that.
    mark, Aug 16, 2008
  7. mark

    Dan C Guest

    Welcome to Usenet, n00b.
    Well, I've already paid for my car. Should I let you use it, just because
    I'm a nice guy? I've also paid for my ticket to the movie theater.
    Should the theater let you in to watch for free, since I already paid? It
    doesn't cost them anything more to let you sit down too, does it?

    You're a bigger moron than I thought. Run along, dimwit.
    Dan C, Aug 16, 2008
  8. mark

    jim beam Guest

    so what exactly have you contributed to this group???
    jim beam, Aug 16, 2008
  9. mark

    Siskuwihane Guest

    Why are you ignoring the fact he offered $10?
    Siskuwihane, Aug 17, 2008
  10. mark

    Siskuwihane Guest

    Is that a requirement?

    It's every common to run a carfax for others but some on here have to
    act like total dickheads whenever it's requested.

    I doubt anyone jumping on those asking even have a current Carfax
    subscription to start with, but they want to get all bent out of shape
    over something that doesn't even concern them.
    Siskuwihane, Aug 17, 2008
  11. mark

    jim beam Guest

    actually, it's not.

    like being a freeloader's not?

    so, let's go back a step - what exactly have you contributed to this group?
    jim beam, Aug 17, 2008
  12. mark

    Dan C Guest

    I'm not. He didn't do that until after he had been questioned on it.

    Try to keep up, will ya?
    Dan C, Aug 18, 2008
  13. mark

    Siskuwihane Guest

    From where I'm at, you posted a full afull 7 hours after he offered
    the money.
    Siskuwihane, Aug 18, 2008
  14. mark

    Siskuwihane Guest

    I've been in here for about 5 years now under this and another, former
    user name, your point? The majority of my posts are not archived and
    have I been on Tegger's "Readers Rides" for quit awhile so I didn't
    just pop in here today.

    What do you care if someone gets a Carfax run for free? What's so bad
    about saving money?
    I've gotten lots of free advice here and given what little Honda
    knowledge I know, I never had to pay for it and never asked
    Siskuwihane, Aug 18, 2008
  15. mark

    mark Guest

    Thank you Siskuwihane.
    Anyways I got a car-fax membership myself and ran the report. It
    showed car had two owners and first one registered car for the
    commercial use.
    My question is, if a car is low mileage and also did not have any
    accident, but registered for commercial use or for example was a
    rental car, does it really matter price-wise or down the road need
    more maintenance?

    Thanks again for any advice
    mark, Aug 18, 2008
  16. mark

    Elle Guest

    Anyways I got a car-fax membership myself and ran the
    report. It
    showed car had two owners and first one registered car for
    commercial use.
    My question is, if a car is low mileage and also did not
    have any
    accident, but registered for commercial use or for example
    was a
    rental car, does it really matter price-wise or down the
    road need
    more maintenance?

    Neither Kelly Blue Book nor consider number of
    owners or whether the car was used for rental or commercial

    I looked at a few dozen cars advertised on Craig's List in
    my area in June and July. My opinion is that the cars with
    fewer owners tended to be less abused. Also, multi-owner
    cars are less likely in my estimation to have followed the
    prescribed maintenance schedule, because short-term owners
    might tend to sell just before a TB change etc. were due.

    I felt that cars that were rental or commercial use were
    more likely to have their oil changed regularly, for one. To
    me, they are preferable, all other things equal.

    ISTM that new car dealerships that also sell a few used cars
    like one-owner cars for trade-ins in particular. These
    one-owner cars re-sell for more and rightly so, IMO. I ended
    up buying a one-owner car from a dealership for less than
    the used dealer price but more than the highest "private
    party" price, both as given at . I was happy to pay
    more to have a car that by all appearances was unmolested
    and so likely to have no surprises.
    Elle, Aug 18, 2008
  17. mark

    jim beam Guest

    the point, since you missed it, is that freeloaders don't get a free ride.

    eh? then use a decent news feed.
    wanting a free ride on a subscription service is not the same as sharing
    community knowledge. a pretty sad indictment if you can't recognize
    that distinction.
    jim beam, Aug 19, 2008
  18. mark

    Siskuwihane Guest

    The point you missed is you and Dan C are always jumping someone about
    some percieved misdeed.
    Eh? I delete them myself, has nothing to do with what newsfeed I use.
    And asking for something that YOU don't have leaves you out of the
    equation to start with but you feel it's your duty to police things.

    It's a constant theme with you and Dan C, someone didn't ask a
    question right, someone wasn't as appreciative as YOU thought they
    should be, someone was getting free advice but never contributed,
    someone didn't look in their owners manual...

    The "03 Odyssey" thread is one of many examples, it has other posters

    "It's unfortunate that you've encountered the less-than-polite trolls
    that lurk in this newsgroup. These people are, by and large, rude
    contentious. You are hardly the first to be treated this way."

    And it's sad, but not surprising, that you don't see yourself as the
    netcopping troll that others do. PKB.
    Siskuwihane, Aug 19, 2008
  19. mark

    jim beam Guest

    jeepers, that's one of the dumbest statements of fundamental
    misunderstanding i've ever ever read on usenet. and that's saying

    that won't help you - there is no solidarity in stupidity.

    so use a killfile and save yourself the pain of confronting reality...
    jim beam, Aug 19, 2008
  20. mark

    Dan C Guest

    Wow. Talk about ignorance. I guess you've never heard of the Google
    newsgroup archive, eh?

    This should be interesting for you to check:
    Dan C, Aug 19, 2008
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