article: Plug-in Hybrid

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jason, Aug 14, 2005.

  1. Jason

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I have to laugh at the enviro-nuts;they want everyone to use renewable
    energy sources,one being windpower,and now they are trying to get a
    California windfarm shut down because the windmills are chopping up birds.

    And Sen.Kennedy is pissed bacause power companies want to put a windfarm
    waaay far out on the horizon of his Cape Cod home,-ruining his view-!!.
    (a barely noticeable windfarm,a mote on the horizon.)
    Jim Yanik, Aug 21, 2005
  2. Jason

    Jason Guest

    I agree with you related to this issue. Thanks for making me laugh--I had
    forgot about the Sen. Kennedy story that you mentioned. Did you hear this
    other Sen. Kennedy story:
    Sen. Kennedy took a ocean trip in his boat with his girlfriend. Someone
    took a picture of him and his girl friend having sex on the deck of the
    boat. The following day, the photo appeared in a newspaper or magazine. A
    news reporter stated: "It appears from this photo that Sen. Kennedy has
    changed his mind related to off shore drilling."
    Jason, Aug 21, 2005
  3. Jason

    Brian Stell Guest

    The scientists in Nevada disagree.

    You have explained your postion clearly:

    You want the benefit.

    You want to put the waste in someone else's backyard.
    Brian Stell, Aug 21, 2005
  4. Jason

    Jim Yanik Guest

    But have they come up with any alternative places? No.
    (where were they -before- Yucca Mtn.was selected???)

    I suspect they too are being NIMBY.
    Wrong,-in the best possible place.

    Can YOU suggest any place in the US that is a better site than Yucca Mtn.?
    I suspect not.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 21, 2005
  5. Jason

    Brian Stell Guest

    Okay, so you want to move it into someone else's
    They were loudly saying not to put it in Nevada. Just
    like scientists in *every* other state were saying.
    You can call it that but they would call it
    protecting their citizens.
    I'll assume you are not arguing about wanting
    the benefit.

    You don't want it in *your* backyard. You've made
    that clear.

    You claim science has determined that Yucca Mountain
    is a good place to put nuclear waste.

    If only science were always objective. For simple
    things it can be. But there will never be a
    scientific proof that Yucca Mountain is a good
    place to store nuclear waste. That is a conclusion.
    Not a fact. For complex problems there will always
    be lots of apparently conflicting facts.

    The scientists working for the federal government
    really want a place to dump the nuclear waste.
    They looked at the facts and drew the *conclusion*
    that Yucca Mountain is safe.

    The scientists working for the state of Nevada
    really don't want the nuclear waste dumped in
    their state. They looked at the facts and drew the
    conclusion that Yucca Mountain is not safe.

    The likely difference: who's backyard it is being
    dumped in.
    No. There is no *good* place. That is exactly
    why everyone wants it dumped in someone else's

    And that is the major reason why we need to stop
    producing it.
    Brian Stell, Aug 22, 2005
  6. Jason

    flobert Guest

    ERm no, to my understanding, the objects were made purely on political
    reasons, no scientific based reasons made at all. I persoanlyl will
    take a nicely designed, built and manned nuclear storage facility in
    'my back yard' any day. The only reasons given for why that facility
    is not good, is emotionally based, and scientifically unsound.

    I worked at a nuclear reprocessing plant for a while. thats like a
    storage facility squared. lots of material comes in and out, and is
    processed, its not sealed, locked up and then kept in one place. The
    CND weirdo's still pickett every now and then, but its nothing very
    serious. As for whata i was doing at the plant - i was brought in to
    test potential safety inspection, and emergency shutdown robots. Part
    of a team that heavily analysed the data from sending vehicles around
    in hot rooms, seeing how they affected data, if it was possible to add
    layers and distance between human operators and maintainance people,
    and anything warm, or hot.

    If you want to talk terrorist crap, there are MANY better targets out
    in the world today for gathering nuclear materials. for instance, in
    2002, a lot of easily frightened nuclear and terrorist worriers
    panicked over a shipment of MOX pellets that went from Japan to
    sellafield. The ship was slow, and poorly armed. apart from 9mm
    sidearms for the armed members of the crew (two dozen or so) the ship
    carried two .50cal guns, one each fore and aft. That was it. A bunch
    of 'licker'd up rednecks ina boston whaler' could have hijacked the
    ship, if needed. It wasn't escorted.

    As with terrorism, 90% of whats spread as 'dangers' and 'threast' from
    nuclear materials, is nothing more than plain old FUD.
    flobert, Aug 22, 2005
  7. Jason

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Then they were not trying to solve the location problem,they just were
    NIMBY.No wonder they were ignored.
    They certainly were not acting in the best interests of the Nation.
    Nor as scientists.
    I live in FLORIDA;the geology/hydrology is totally wrong for it here.
    If it were geologically and hydrologically the best place,I'd WELCOME IT.
    Heck,I'd try to get a JOB there,and live within reasonable driving distance
    from it.
    The best available in the CONUS.

    NOBODY has shown otherwise.
    (all they say is "not here";NIMBY,=UNACCEPTABLE,it's gotta go somewhere.)
    YOU are not "objective",except for your no-nuke philosophy.

    Yes,it's necessary.
    It's certainly not good to stay with the status quo.
    It's here,we have to deal with it.
    A pretty good decision.
    Gee,think they were BIASED? (like you)
    Yes,there is.
    The place where it's the safest,and least likely to affect anything.
    AH,there's the TRUE drift of your objection;it's NUCLEAR,therefore
    unacceptable anywhere.You feel that having a single national repository
    would make muclear power more feasible.You are not concerned with the
    safety of the PRESENT nuclear wastes.You don't want any solution to safe
    storage of nuclear wastes.
    I suspect you WANT some disaster to happen so that it bolsters your anti-
    nuke beliefs.

    Just as I suspected.Just another anti-nuke enviro-weenie.
    Now you show your true colors.

    Jim Yanik, Aug 23, 2005
  8. Jason

    Brian Stell Guest

    I suspect you WANT some disaster to happen so that it bolsters your anti-
    You need to take your meds.
    Brian Stell, Aug 23, 2005
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