At Fault Collision: Insurance Q

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by klabu, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. klabu

    klabu Guest

    Had a fenderbender last night, hit car in front. :(
    This is my 1st at fault collision ever.
    Deductible is $1000.

    Got 2 estimates $1900 and $2800, they involve different level of work.

    1) Should I go thru insurance and make claim or pay the whole thing
    myself ?
    2) If go thru insurance should I try to find the best estimate AS IF
    I'm paying it myself or go for the most complete work (e.g $2800
    includes replacing the fender piece & more labor)

    Very much a n00b at this...
    I'm in USA
    Acura TSX 2004
    klabu, Jan 25, 2006
  2. I would go thru the insurance. No use paying more then you have to.
    Maybe the insurance will be kind to you since it is your first. Of
    course, it may not matter (if you pay your own or not) since they are
    paying on the other vehicle any ways. I would also go with the more
    complete work estimate. Better to replace parts like fenders instead of
    just fixing the dents. Better to have it fixed correctly the first
    time. If you don't know a good reliable place, just ask around and see
    who people trust. Of course, just my opinion. :)
    MinnesotaMike, Jan 25, 2006
  3. That's very short-sighted.

    She'll end up paying much, much more down the line thanks to her claim

    Bad idea.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 26, 2006
  4. They don't have to pay on the other vehicle. The responsible party may
    pay the entire thing out of her own pocket.

    Nothing says it MUST go through an insurance company.

    And she didn't mention another vehicle, anyway.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 26, 2006
  5. Yeah she did
    "Had a fenderbender last night, hit car in front. :("
    Matthew Rebbert, Jan 26, 2006
  6. klabu

    Elle Guest

    The OP's insurance company may require reporting of every
    accident s/he has. Such a requirement happens to be very

    To the OP: Call your insurance company now and ask. It's
    important that you don't end up committing fraud here.
    Elle, Jan 26, 2006
  7. klabu

    JXStern Guest

    Do you have any violations on record in last three years? If so, try
    to avoid the insurance company. Try hard. And even if not, it's
    probably a good idea. But do note the warnings of TeGGeR® and others.

    This is only for your own car, there is no damage or claim from the
    other party (eg, a tree?) As soon as there is anything like that, and
    of course if there is any claim to injury, I'd say it goes back
    towards doing it all thru insurance.

    And that's assuming you have a clean record, which given your
    question, I guess is true.

    Also, if your car is on lease, you'd probably have to go for the full
    repair. And on a 2004 TSX, I'd say you'd want to, anyway.

    Good luck, ain't nothing new here, keep kewl,
    JXStern, Jan 26, 2006
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