auto lock feature

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard Edwards, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. I have tried unsuccessfully to engage the "auto lock" feature by
    following the directions in the owner's manual of my 2006 Civic Hybrid
    carefully. Is there a trick that does not appear in the instructions?
    I would like the door locks to engage automatically at 9 mph as the
    manual describes.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Richard Edwards, Mar 26, 2006
  2. Rich, I have a 2006 Civic and the auto lock function is pretty straight
    forward. I have mine set to lock when I take the shift lever out of park.
    When I stop and turn the key to the first position the drivers side door
    unlocks. I would imagine that the hybrid is pretty much the same. If there
    is any trick it is listening to the "beeps/clicks" and following the time
    line in the manual. Did all this on the first pass. I don't have the
    manual in front of me but I think there is also something about having the
    doors shut while programming the function.
    Richard Kuroski, Mar 28, 2006
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