Automatic Transmission Problem?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MFD, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. MFD

    MFD Guest


    I have a 1992 Honda Civic DX automatic with 110,000 miles on it.
    The car runs and drives great except for a slight transmission problem.
    When coming up to a stop, if i down shift from D4 to D3 its fine, from
    D3 to 2nd its fine, but from 2nd to 1st the trans will grind or clunk.
    The owners manual says that it is perfectly fine to up shift and down
    shift, it even says i can operate this trans like a manual without a
    clutch. So is the noise normal or am I harming the transmission and
    has anyone else had this experience? Thanks in advance!

    MFD, Dec 16, 2006
  2. MFD

    Dano58 Guest

    Not totally sure what your purpose is in doing this, but I would NEVER
    shift into first like this unless totally stopped. Generally, when
    downshifting a manual transmission, you rev the engine so that when you
    shift into the lower gear, you are matching the engine speed to what
    the transmission can handle. With an automatic, that doesn't happen and
    a so you have no idea what engine speed will be (and therefore
    transmission speed) when you 'downshift'. I would say you should stop
    doing this, and if you want to shift yourself, buy a car with a manual

    Dan D
    '07 Odyssey Slate Green
    '04 Audi A4 quattro 6-speed
    Dano58, Dec 18, 2006
  3. MFD

    jim beam Guest

    the transmission is protected - it won't allow shifts that damage it.
    jim beam, Dec 18, 2006
  4. MFD

    Dano58 Guest

    Perhaps - but are you saying that a 'grind' or 'clunk' is normal? I
    don't think so. And if the transmission is starting to develop
    problems, then manually shifting it certainly won't help it. Again, I
    would let it perform as designed and shift for itself - that's the best
    way to protect it.

    Dan D
    '07 Odyssey
    Dano58, Dec 19, 2006
  5. MFD

    jim beam Guest

    how does that work? you're not actuating anything in the box by moving
    the shift lever - all you're doing is changing from autonomous shift
    control to non-autonomous. all internals of the box function /exactly/
    as before. if there is a "clunk" it's more likely a broken engine
    mount. or maybe a worn driveshaft or final drive, but the driver alone
    can't influence how the shifter mechanism behaves to make a noise like
    that - that bit is fully automatic under all conditions. /and/ there
    are safety over-rides to protect it from driver mistakes.
    jim beam, Dec 19, 2006
  6. MFD

    Paul Guest

    I agree with what you say, and yes the trans is protected, it
    specifically explains in the manual what you said, but the cluck and
    sometimes a grind only happens when i manually shift. Don't get me
    wrong, 99% of the time i let the trans shift on its own, but if the
    trans is developing problems wouldn't they be there all the time? again
    i cant figure out why it grinds only when i manually shift.
    Paul, Dec 19, 2006
  7. MFD

    jim beam Guest

    is it a "grind" like when your cousin drives your stick and doesn't use
    the clutch properly, or some other kind of noise? i ask because there
    is no mechanism inside the transmission that really allows for "grind"
    unless it's major failure. and have you checked the motor mounts?
    jim beam, Dec 20, 2006
  8. MFD

    Paul Guest

    I guess "grind" wasnt the best word, its more like a cluck, not very
    loud and i can feel it too. you say to check the motor mounts, are you
    thinking that when i downshift the motor is, i guess, "rocking" and
    making a cluck? That would explain why i can sort of feel it. Also,
    how would i check the mounts? Just put a socket on them and tighten the
    Paul, Dec 20, 2006
  9. MFD

    jim beam Guest

    that's it.
    put it in park [on level ground], lift the hood, and with the parking
    brake OFF, rock the car back and forth. you'll see the motor move and
    the cracks should open up to be visible. if you can get an angle to see
    them. if not, you might need to have an assistant help you rock the car
    while you poke about with a mirror.
    jim beam, Dec 20, 2006
  10. MFD

    Paul Guest

    Should the motor mounts be totally replaced? Or is it just a case of
    them loosening up over the years?

    Paul, Dec 20, 2006
  11. MFD

    jim beam Guest

    replaced - the rubber breaks apart. usually you can get away with just
    the rear and front [if yours has a front]. also check for gotchas like
    bent exhaust touching chassis, loose heat shields, etc.
    jim beam, Dec 20, 2006
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