Back-up Lights

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by K-town, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. K-town

    K-town Guest

    My reverse lights just stopped working on my 1990 Civic LX 5-speed. Anyone
    know a quick-fix or this? Any info or URL would be appreciated!


    K-town, Dec 6, 2004
  2. K-town

    Caroline Guest

    I'd start by checking for a fuse for these in the dash fusebox. It should be a
    little to the left and below the steering column. The fusebox should have a
    plastic guide in it to say which fuse is which. has free repair guides specific to the 1990 Civic LX.

    Also, maybe check the files at , especially under the circa
    1990 Concerto. See especially

    There is a second fuse box under the hood. Probably on the car's right, just aft
    of the battery and near the top.

    If it's a blown fuse, replace and see if this fixes it.

    I have a 91 Civic. This is where I'd start.
    Caroline, Dec 6, 2004
  3. K-town

    Randolph Guest

    In addition to what Caroline wrote, I would suggest checking the reverse
    switch on the transmission. It has two wires going to it. On my '87 and
    on my '94 Civic the wire colors were Yellow and Green/Black. Odds are
    yours uses the same colors. If you unplug the wires from the switch,
    then turn on the ignition and short the two wires together, the backup
    lights should come on. If they do, it means your switch is bad. If they
    don't, the problem is elsewhere.
    Randolph, Dec 6, 2004
  4. K-town

    kyle lallave Guest

    maybe new
    kyle lallave, Dec 7, 2004
  5. K-town

    K-town Guest

    If that had been the problem, I wouldn't have posted the question... ;-)

    K-town, Dec 7, 2004
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