Bad ECT Sensor in a 91 Civic (Part 2)

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Chris Garcia, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    A while back I had posted about a possible bad ECT sensor.

    Well, the fluid level has remained where it should, so I'm not losing

    I looked over the pdf files that were posted in the previous thread, and
    I may make an attempt to find the sensor (hopefully the wire colors are
    the same as the ones seen in the pdf) ..

    The only problem is there is a LOAD of gunk around that area..
    Combination of leaked oil and dirt.. Lovely stuff..

    I read up on degreasing the engine, the most sensible thing seems to be
    Simple Green (something about being easily washed away with water, as
    opposed to Super Clean.. that purple stuff) .. Would sticking it in a
    spray bottle at full strength, spraying on the area where the sensor is
    and maybe using a toothbrush or something to loosen up the crap be a good
    way of going about this? Last thing i need is to ruin more electrical

    I'll probably at least test the thing next weekend since I have a
    multimeter available.
    Chris Garcia, Aug 7, 2004
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