Bad ground?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Trekker253, May 5, 2006.

  1. Trekker253

    Trekker253 Guest

    Could the rough idling on my 99 civic DX be caused by a bad ground? It
    runs rougher every time I turn on an electric device such as the
    headlights or even the automatic door locks, however the radio does not
    seem to effect it (separate ground??). Does anyone know a good website
    or manual that might help me understand how my engine and accessories
    are ground, Chiltons guide only has half a paragraph on the subject.

    Trekker253, May 5, 2006

  2. --------------------------------

    Radio draws no power compared to headlights. What's the whole story?
    What changes about the idle . .speed or perceived roughness?
    Try a google search for 'honda eld' electronic load ....

    'Curly Q. Links', May 5, 2006
  3. Trekker253

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Do the revs drop and not recover when electrical load is applied? If so,
    your Electrical Load Detector might be bad (if your car has one).

    Check to see if the revs actually drop before doing anything. A bad ground
    in a stock Honda is extremely rare at your age.
    TeGGeR®, May 5, 2006
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