Bad morning for cars in my life.. long

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by finding z0, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    Got in the 2001 Prelude this morning (40K miles). Started it and hit AC
    button about the same time and the bugger stalled and all the lights
    came on. Cranked but wouldn't start. Sounded a bit weak as well. Did
    the 'if you had a carb & flooded it routine' i.e., floored it and
    cranked. It limped alive but weakly. Let it build up some rpm's then
    hit the AC button (80deg & 91% humidity at 8AM). No joy. The AC was
    dead. The night before I went to pick my daughter up at the mall. The
    mall lot was flooded from downpours (police, emergency, fire, camera
    crews, etc.). Some cars had water up to their windows. I skirted the
    flood (did hit some shallow water at speed that splashed a bit (noted a
    strange ping)and drove on. Took her home w/o incident.
    I decided to leave the the Prelude in the garage and got in the '91
    Integra (AC repaired last month). Drove a few blocks and the oil light
    came on. This car has 140K miles and never burned a drop of oil.
    Called my 18yr old daughter and asked her if she noticed a light on her
    r/t to Chicago 2 weeks ago (388 mi). She said no, nor on the brief
    errand she ran the day before. Stopped at Jiffy lube and they added
    2-2.5 qts (they had changed the oil 1000 mi earlier). There was a bit
    of oil around the valve cover gasket and oil pan gasket. I drove it to
    work. I'll follow the oil on this one just to make sure they hadn't
    underfilled it the first time. What's this gasket work gonna cost me at
    a dealer?
    p.s life is good on other days.
    finding z0, Jul 18, 2005
  2. finding z0

    Bruce Guest

    Get the VC gasket fixed first... will be expensive at the dealer, maybe
    $150-200? Not sure. Any shade tree mechanic should be able to do this
    job in 20 mins easy.

    VC gasket leaks are notorious for getting blown all over the engine
    making you think it's leaking from several places.

    The oil pan gasket is a more difficult and expensive fix... might have
    to remove the cross member (not too familiar w/ 'ludes), then you have
    to let the gasket material cure overnight, etc. Figure several hundred
    at a dealer for that one.

    Hope this helps,
    Good luck.
    Bruce, Jul 18, 2005
  3. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    I always expect some pain when going to a dealer. They usually do a
    proper fix though (hte one I've been using at least). All the money
    I've saved not going to dealers for their expensive check-ups is the
    fund I use to pay to fix things that go wrong. I usually come out ahead
    with this approach. Thanks for the heads-up. I do a lot less myself
    these days. No time. No desire.
    finding z0, Jul 19, 2005
  4. finding z0

    jim beam Guest

    both gaskets are cheap. you can change them yourself. but i doubt
    they're the issue - if this car had leaked 2.5 quarts, there would be
    oil all over the place, including the floor of your garage, all under
    the car, it would be a real mess. if it had burned 2.5 quarts, you'd
    see the smoke. /much/ more likely the jiffy-monkey did not fill it
    jim beam, Jul 19, 2005
  5. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    That's what I was thinking or they overfilled it and she burst a gasket
    on the Chi. trip, or it was just time for the gasket to let go.
    This eve leaving work, I was looking for an oil spot. I wasn't
    disappointed. I could see the oil stream from 75 ft away. At least a
    qt.or 1.5. I tried to get a tow. Would've had to wait too long (AAA).
    Decided there was enough oil to drive to the dealer (closed). Ended up
    driving home. The oil was just above the bottom mark. The oil light
    stayed off on the way home. Taking it in Thurs. The Prelude started
    and the AC came on? We'll see in the morn. Cheers
    finding z0, Jul 19, 2005
  6. finding z0

    jim beam Guest

    check under the oil filter. if the jiffy-monkeys forgot to make sure
    the old gasket was removed, you'll get double gasketing and dramatic
    "streaming" failure like you describe.
    jim beam, Jul 19, 2005
  7. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    Interesting. I never changed the oil on this baby as it was hard to get
    to the bolt. I have til thurs. to check it out. Minus picking up my 10
    yr old, cooking dinner, work, etc. Thanks!
    Hey JB, ever tried single malt?
    finding z0, Jul 19, 2005
  8. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    It turns out the Jiffy-boyz overtightened and stripped the oil pan
    bolt. Honda will write this up when I get the bill for what will
    probably be a new oil pan. How to I get the lube-boyz to pay for this?
    finding z0, Jul 21, 2005
  9. finding z0

    jim beam Guest

    call local management and ask them to reimburse you. if that doesn't
    work, call their corporate offices. if that doesn't work, call your
    local paper's consumer affairs reporter - they usually love stories like
    this. bad publicity is way more expensive than the cost of seeing you
    jim beam, Jul 21, 2005
  10. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    The local guy seems to be cooperating. They send a report to corporate
    with the bill I give them (when I get it). I told Honda to describe
    what they found in some detail. I'll keep you posted if yer
    interested. I've used J-L since I bought this car in '91 (and couldn't
    reach the oil filter) w/o any issues other than the price. Cheers
    finding z0, Jul 21, 2005
  11. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    $357 for a new oil pan.
    J-L called Honda and wanted me to call them (J-L). I called and got the
    other manager. He was a bit more testy as he said he'd like to see the
    vehicle because they can rethread rather than replace the entire oil
    pan. I said I brought the car in when the oil light went on. He said
    they often have folks come in to "top off" their oil. I said I didn't
    come in to top-off my oil. I came in on an emergency basis because my
    oil light was on and they found it 2.5 qts short and even looked at it
    down below. He said his guys are supposed to tell him when they see a
    problem like that so he can look at it (and perhaps fix it there). I
    said you're welcome to look at it at Honda apout a 1/2 mile away. I
    said surely you don't expect me to drive it there again with no oil in
    it so you can look at it. I said I'm not responsible for the fact that
    his guys failed to summon him as per his "training." I mentioned I'd
    e-mailed corporate with the scenario. He then testily said OK just have
    it done at Honda ('dickwad'). He didn't say 'dickwad'. But I'm sure
    he'd thought it. I'm willing to believe that on any car after so many
    oil changes, the threads might fail. I'm willling to split the repair.
    This guy didn't make me want to be that understanding. We'll see. My
    buddy at Honda said a retap might not last. Quien sabes?
    finding z0, Jul 21, 2005
  12. finding z0

    jim beam Guest

    hey, i didn't say it would be plain sailing, but if you're sufficiently
    persistent, you'll get what you want! most people give up after asking
    once, so it's easy to see why places fall into a pattern of initial
    jim beam, Jul 22, 2005
  13. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    Hey JB, have you ever plain sailed? It ain't plain EZ either....
    I wasn't whinin, just describin'......
    I used to have more energy (time) for this kinda crap when I was
    younger. Usually pertaining to cars and service managers. Cheers
    finding z0, Jul 22, 2005
  14. finding z0

    jim beam Guest

    hey, sorry i didn't succeed in saying what i meant - i think it's great
    that you're sticking with it. i meant to encourage you on that path.
    jim beam, Jul 23, 2005
  15. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    $350 for the new oil pan installed from Honda. Submitted to the local
    J-L to be sent to corporate. Asked for an update so I don't wait
    endlessly. Will seeeeeeeeeeeeeee............
    finding z0, Jul 28, 2005
  16. finding z0

    finding z0 Guest

    Even I didn't expect this. One week after submitting the bill to the
    local J-L I get a check for the whole amount. No questions asked. Talk
    about doing the right thing. I wish the Honda Corp were more like this.
    finding z0, Aug 3, 2005
  17. finding z0

    jim beam Guest

    great result!

    i had a similar experience with my local parking tow company. bashed in
    the oil pan on my car. took about 4 months, but they eventually paid
    when i filed my small claims action against the city council who in turn
    threatened revocation of their tow contract.
    jim beam, Aug 3, 2005
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