Bad odometer light?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Caden Schaefer, Jul 19, 2003.

  1. It seems that the odometer light on my 98 Accord has gone out. How is this?
    I thought it was an LED. Interestingly, my radio (non-Honda) has also lost
    most of its LED backlight. Also, a couple years ago my cruise-control LED
    on the button went out.

    So, what's the deal with LEDs? They just go out after 4-5 years? And how
    much dinero would it cost to have the odometer light fixed, assuming I
    wanted to bother with it?
    Caden Schaefer, Jul 19, 2003
  2. Caden Schaefer

    Taco Guest

    I don't know about the other lights, but the small light on the cruise
    control button in my 99 Accord quit working too. I wonder how wide spread
    this is?
    Taco, Jul 19, 2003
  3. I don't know, but mine was replaced under warranty. As for my odometer
    light, my car is now WAY out of warranty, so I'll just have to live with it
    Caden Schaefer, Jul 19, 2003
  4. Caden Schaefer

    razingkane Guest

    My cruise control button LED went out as well about a year ago on my 99
    Accord as well. It was replaced and no problems since then.

    razingkane, Jul 19, 2003
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