bad transmission - 2500 dollars

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by albert.mills, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. albert.mills

    Siskuwihane Guest

    The answer you got from jim beam at the beginning of the thread made
    perfect sense, anything else was the result of you being an ass.
    Siskuwihane, Oct 8, 2007
  2. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    Who is "we"?
    Pszemol, Oct 8, 2007
  3. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    I just ask questions... if this makes me an ass than be it.
    Pszemol, Oct 8, 2007
  4. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    As I said before - if this is waste of time to you, then stop doing this.
    Participation in this newsgroup is volountary, if you did not know.
    Pszemol, Oct 8, 2007
  5. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    OK, I will do it.
    Pszemol, Oct 8, 2007
  6. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    I am sorry, but you do not sign your posts with any "expert" name...
    For a stranger like me who does not know you in person, your answers
    here look like any other opinion from any random guy on the street.
    That is why my investigative mode of asking many questions and
    "being an ass"... If you want to be read as an expert than state who
    you are in every post you write here... Everything will be clear then
    and people will know who is the expert and who is the user here.
    Pszemol, Oct 8, 2007
  7. albert.mills

    Siskuwihane Guest

    A 15 second search will show you who's who in here and whether they
    know what they are talking about or not, what's so hard about that?
    There is no need for them to state who they are in each post. I read
    about 10 threads before I posted my first question and knew who was
    going to give me the correct advice before said question was asked,
    it's pretty simple.
    Siskuwihane, Oct 8, 2007
  8. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    What would I be looking for during this 15 seconds search?

    But ok, prove to me your search skills... :)
    Tell me who Jim is and where he works!

    What makes him an expert in your eyes?

    Maybe ad hominem arguments he makes against TE Chea when
    he suggested using transmission fluid filter inline to the radiator?

    Just because somebody posts here a lot does not make him an expert.
    You must be very bright then...
    For me, not being a mechanic I cannot judge good advice from bad one.
    It is simple: if I knew what to do with the transmission I would not ask around.
    Pszemol, Oct 8, 2007
  9. albert.mills

    Siskuwihane Guest

    If you have so many questions about the very people you are asking for
    advice from, then you shouldn't be seeking advice from them to start
    with. ;)

    Jim is giving the same advice as the others, don't flush your tranny.
    How many people do you need to give you the same advice before you
    believe it? 10? 20? 100?

    I don't care where Jim works, I don't care where anyone here works,
    all I care about is getting 200k or more out of my Honda and I trust
    the opinion of those who have done so before me. I found answers to
    all my questions here, transmission, rear diff, brake pads, rotors,
    sway-bar links, valve adjustment intervals, importance of Honda
    fluids, etc. etc.

    I'm bright enough to know this exchange of words is not going to help
    me achieve 200k one iota.
    Siskuwihane, Oct 8, 2007
  10. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    You have not answere my question.
    It is not in the number of people but what kind of people.
    So how can you tell that a random opinion signed with a random
    nickname is good for you or bad if you do not care who the people
    giving you advice are?
    Then why did you take part in this discussion in the first place?
    If you care to share your 2 cents take the responsibility for
    what you said and do not escape from discussion at the first
    inconvenient question.
    Pszemol, Oct 8, 2007
  11. When you go to a Model T convention, for example, do you question
    everyone there? Do you assume that NO ONE there knows anything about
    Model Ts?

    You've come to a Honda newsgroup, populated by many experienced users.
    Yet you question everyone as if he knows nothing.

    It's you who knows nothing. And you will continue to know nothing.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 8, 2007
  12. albert.mills

    Art Guest

    If I were you I would hang up your keys and call a taxi.
    Art, Oct 9, 2007
  13. albert.mills

    Art Guest

    Why are you so easily convinced? It could be a fake posting. You should
    get you AT flushed. I'm convinced.
    Art, Oct 9, 2007
  14. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    Really, why is that?
    Maybe you simply answer the question?
    Pszemol, Oct 9, 2007
  15. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    The single fact that someone is on some convention does not
    make him an expert in the field. Convention is not for experts
    only and gather people WHO WANT TO LEARN about the subject.
    Sometimes there are people who know NOTHING about the subject
    and just starting their learning process...

    See a fault in your reasoning?

    If you go to convention and assume EVERYBODY is the expert
    than I wish you food luck in your life...
    But I am still on the Honda newsgroup and maybe somebody will
    confuse me with some expert if there is nothing really telling
    you who the expert is here and who is not... Think about it... :)

    I have my own rules who do I respect as an expert and who I do not.
    I allow posibility that a random poster on this newsgroup might
    know very little about honda cars, similarly like I do know
    very little and I am a member of this newsgroup. So that is why
    I would like to know who am I talking with - Jim or Elmo tell me
    very little or nothing about your expertise in car repari - sorry.

    If I knew you are a engineer at the Honda plant, or at least
    a technician there - that would be a whole different story... :)
    Pszemol, Oct 9, 2007
  16. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    Jokes aside we still did not talk about the second part of
    the question: about the myth related to the claims about
    "beneficial particles in the old tranny fluid which
    suppose to help transmission to work better than with
    the new fluid", anybody with opinion on this matter ?
    Pszemol, Oct 9, 2007
  17. albert.mills

    Siskuwihane Guest

    Me too. I just changed mine a few weeks ago but I'm heading over to In-
    N-Out Lube this afternoon to get it flushed. That flushing machine has
    the word "PRO" on it in big letters so it must be good. I'm going to
    have them fill it with Marvel Mystery Oil instead of Z1 because some
    guy on Yahoo said it works better. He posted that he worked for Honda
    R&D and I believe him.
    Siskuwihane, Oct 9, 2007
  18. albert.mills

    Pszemol Guest

    I am starting to see faint signs of thinking in your posts....
    Finally I was able to drive my arguments through, I guess :)
    Pszemol, Oct 9, 2007
  19. albert.mills

    Josh S Guest

    Trade it ASAP to a dealer who thinks he's ripping you off.
    Josh S, Nov 2, 2007
  20. albert.mills

    who Guest

    Funny comment. IMO they said that to be sure your transmission grinds
    itself to death.
    who, Nov 2, 2007
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