Ball joint replacement

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by David, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. David

    David Guest


    I'm replacing the lower ball joint on a 95 Honda Civic. What kind of
    press do you need to do this. Can it be rented???

    Any advice would be welcome.


    David, Oct 13, 2003
  2. David

    Dave Dodson Guest

    Can be done sans press. Lots of banging with big, heavy hammer to remove old
    joint. Install using a large "C"-clamp and socket of sufficient diameter and
    depth to allow new joint to seat in the arm.

    Dave D
    Dave Dodson, Oct 13, 2003
  3. David

    David Guest

    Thanks, I was almost about to do this, but I chickened out... I
    bought a "Honda" part and paid them to remove and press in the new
    one, thinking they had a press and special tools....

    While I was waiting, I heard what sounded like lots of banging with a
    big, heavy hammer coming from a corner of the shop where I couldn't

    I bought the Honda part because I have not liked the aftermarket ball
    joints I've gotten for my Subaru. The rubber boots didn't fit over the
    lip on the knuckle. Any experience with these for Honda? Are the OK?

    I'll do it myself and press it next time.

    I'm getting used to doing work on the Honda and like it. I've only had
    Subaru's and my wife's car is a Civic.

    Thanks again,

    David, Oct 13, 2003
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