Ball Joints Replacement

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Elle, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. Elle

    Elle Guest

    91 Civic LX here, 203k miles. I am considering replacing the
    front upper and lower ball joints. I have read the archives
    and also many of the reports at on this. A
    few queries to see where the Honda technical population is
    on this:

    -- lifetime warranty upper ball joints may be purchased at for $20 each. Can I use a Harbor Freight Ball
    Joint Press on the upper control arm ball joints, in situ,
    with success? I see Loewent (for one) cautioned here some
    time ago that the upper control arms are rather flimsy and
    this was a somewhat risky route to go. As has been well
    documented on the net, OEM Honda parts dealers sell only the
    entire upper control arm for around $110 each.

    -- one alternative is to buy a new upper control arm with of
    course new bushings and new ball joints. Doggone Autozone
    sells these at prices the same as the OEM part (around $110
    per arm). Ebay has aftermarket ones for around $30 each, but
    no warranty as far as I can tell. One other advantage of all
    new upper control arms is the two new bushings on each arm,

    -- will the ball joint press kit at (look for item #38335) work
    for removing and installing the lower ball joints at least?

    -- is there a grease connection for all the BJ boots? I see
    reference to this in the manuals but this connection is not
    obvious to me.

    -- what grease should be used on the BJs?

    For one thing, I am hoping replacement of the BJs will
    correct an alignment problem the car has. The problem has
    been around since before I replaced all the lower control
    arm bushings a few years ago. The shop that did the
    alignment last year suggested a bent front lower control arm
    but probably did not elaborate since so many possibilities
    exist. The front lower control arms are not the least bit
    obviously bent.
    Elle, Apr 20, 2008
  2. Elle

    bnegast Guest

    I just finished putting on an entire new front suspension on my '91
    I would suggest getting the entire upper control arm which has
    the new bushings and ball joint already in it. Both Moog and NAPA
    have grease fittings on the ball joints. As for a bent lower arm, not
    how you would bend that large cast iron piece! Don't forget your
    tie rods and rack steering bushing replacement as well as outer tie
    You can just pound out the lower ball joint, but you will need a press
    get the new joint back in place. I used the HF press with success and
    couple of sockets. Remove the boot before installation or you risk
    tearing it.
    Hope this helps.
    bnegast, Apr 21, 2008
  3. Elle

    bnegast Guest

    I just finished putting on an entire new front suspension on my '91
    I would suggest getting the entire upper control arm which has
    the new bushings and ball joint already in it. Both Moog and NAPA
    have grease fittings on the ball joints. As for a bent lower arm, not
    how you would bend that large cast iron piece! Don't forget your
    tie rods and rack steering bushing replacement as well as outer tie
    You can just pound out the lower ball joint, but you will need a press
    get the new joint back in place. I used the HF press with success and
    couple of sockets. Remove the boot before installation or you risk
    tearing it.
    Hope this helps.
    bnegast, Apr 21, 2008
  4. Elle

    jim beam Guest

    depending on model year, you /can't/ remove the boot. and removal risks
    contamination and thus premature wear.

    use the proper tool. you can buy the kit here:

    and you can probably sell it on craigslist for close to what you paid if
    you never need it again.
    jim beam, Apr 22, 2008
  5. Elle

    jim beam Guest

    depending on model year, you /can't/ remove the boot. and removal risks
    contamination and thus premature wear.

    use the proper tool. you can buy the kit here:

    and you can probably sell it on craigslist for close to what you paid if
    you never need it again.
    jim beam, Apr 22, 2008
  6. Elle

    Elle Guest

    It sure does, particularly the fact that you had success
    with the Harbor Freight press. Thanks!
    Elle, Apr 23, 2008
  7. Elle

    Elle Guest

    It sure does, particularly the fact that you had success
    with the Harbor Freight press. Thanks!
    Elle, Apr 23, 2008
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