battery dead or other problem...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Eric, May 22, 2004.

  1. Eric

    Eric Guest

    88 Civic PGM-FI

    1) I've been having to push start every time unless I've had it out on
    the highway for 20 to 30 min in which case I seem to be able to get
    about 6 starts out of it before it is dead again.
    2) After 30 min on highway and using a cheap'o battery meter the
    battery reads "full". After 3 starts it reads 3/4's.
    3) About 3 months ago when car seemed to be running fine I left the
    headlights on by accident and after just 20 min there was not enough
    energy in the battery to start the car.

    The connections are fine, starter motor seems to work as it is turning
    the engine over sometimes, alternator likely is fine as I'm able to
    push start car(I read in this group that push staring indicates that
    the alternator is fine).

    So is the battery dead or do I believe the cheap'o battery meter
    telling me it's "full"?

    Any other possible problems?

    If I need to change the battery can I do it myself without worrying
    about the FI or any computer equipment?

    thanks for the help and an excellent newsgroup
    Eric, May 22, 2004
  2. Eric

    Randolph Guest

    All the symptoms point to a failing battery. How old is it? Most people
    get less than 5 years of service from a battery (and this is where the
    thread usually deteriorates to an endless list of anecdotal evidence
    that car batteries outlast giant sequoia trees), so if yours is older
    than that, I'd just replace it.
    Randolph, May 22, 2004
  3. Eric

    Graham W Guest

    It does sound like the battery is dying. Take the car to a battery depot
    and seek the advice of the people there. There is very little to changing
    the battery and they will not charge extra to do it if you buy the new one
    there. They will be able to put a heavy current discharge voltmeter on
    to assess the 'goodness' of the starting ability. They will also check
    that the alternator is operating 'in spec'.
    Make sure you know the radio code before you disconnect the battery
    or better, disable the code immediately before setting out.
    Apart from the radio, yes.

    Graham W, May 22, 2004
  4. Eric

    Dick Guest

    Sounds like you need another battery. It's easy to change yourself.
    Just remember to take off the negative (-) lead first when removing,
    and put it back on last after installing the new battery. Not
    completely necessary, but a good safety precaution. Reduces the
    amount of sparking when you reattach the new battery.
    Dick, May 22, 2004
  5. Eric

    Bill Darden Guest

    Hi Eric,

    I agree with Randolph, but if you have some special attachment to your
    car battery, please see Section 4 in the Car and Deep Cycle Battery
    FAQ on for information on testing it. A better
    solution would be to take your car to an auto parts or battery store
    and have both the battery and the charging system tested. Some stores
    like Auto Zone, Sears, Wal*Mart, Pep Boys, etc. will test them for
    free. But before you go, please read Section 7.8 for some buying tips
    for purchasing a replacement battery.

    Kindest regards,

    Bill Darden, May 31, 2004
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