Battery Issue - Distilled Water

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jerry Liu, Feb 25, 2004.

  1. Jerry Liu

    Jerry Liu Guest

    I just bought a 04 Accord EX 4cyl AT last week. Love the car. :) The
    battery that came with the car had an small see-through round plastic
    window. Next to the window is a legend with three indicator states: blue was
    labeled 'OK', big red circle was labeled 'Distilled water', and a small red
    circle was labeled 'Needs Charging'. The battery is, and has always been, in
    'Distilled Water' mode ever since I got the car.

    I called the dealer's service department and they told me that these
    indicators on batteries were unreliable and not to worry about it. My
    saleman called to check up on the new Honda yesterday, and when I told him
    about it, he told me to bring it to the New Car department so they can put
    the battery on a charger for a couple of hours. Huh?

    So does anyone know what 'Distilled Water' means? Do I need to add water to
    the battery? I didn't see any obvious holes. :) The battery was also
    marked 'Maintenence Free'. I thought that meant I didn't have to worry about
    such things as adding water...

    Jerry Liu, Feb 25, 2004
  2. Jerry Liu

    John Ings Guest

    On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 17:13:21 GMT, "Jerry Liu" <>
    John Ings, Feb 25, 2004
  3. Jerry Liu

    Jerry Liu Guest

    Thanks for the pointer. Somehow missed it in my googling... So does
    'maintenence free' mean that the battery is sealed? Does anyone know if I
    can add water to whatever the default battery Honda ships with the Accords?

    Jerry Liu, Feb 25, 2004
  4. Jerry Liu

    Mike S. Guest

    If there are caps can be removed, you can add (distilled) water. I remember
    a "maintenance free" battery once that had the flush caps hidden under the
    paper label on the top.
    Mike S., Feb 26, 2004
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