Battery Light + Brake and Door Lights coming on

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by iuden, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. iuden

    iuden Guest

    I have a 1999 Honda Accord. Last week the battery light along with
    the brake light and door lights all came on while driving. After
    driving a few miles I lost power completly. I had the car towed and
    the mechanic ended up replacing the alternator. Now this week while
    driving the battery light, brake light and door lights are again
    coming on. This time they come on when I take my foot off the gas.
    They go off when I give it gas. But then come back on again when I
    take it off. Before I take it back to the mechanic can you give me
    some idea on what is causing this? Is it the battery? A faulty
    alternator? Bad wire? Thanks.
    iuden, Dec 12, 2006
  2. This is a wild guess, easy to check and easy to fix. It is possible
    that as the engine twists back and forth in its mounts, the plug into
    the alternator is losing its connection. Check the plug. Make sure it
    is fully seated and "clicks" into place. I had a similar problem on an
    older Honda and checking the plug fixed the problem. There are a
    couple of tabs that hold the plug in the socket.

    Other possibilities: slipping belt (you would hear the squeal) or bad
    alternator (unlikely).

    Hope this helps

    Elliot Richmond
    Itinerant astronomy teacher
    Elliot Richmond, Dec 12, 2006
  3. iuden

    motsco_ Guest


    I suspect you've spent a bunch of money for no reason. Without knowing
    your mileage it's hard to guess, but it's more likely something like
    your (recalled) ignition switch or a loose ground wire on the BATTERY.

    motsco_, Dec 12, 2006
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