Battery Problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tinkerer, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. Tinkerer

    Tinkerer Guest

    I have a 2006 diesel CRV CDTI. We left it in the garage for three weeks
    with all doors locked and deadlocked via the remote. When we went to use
    it the battery was flat although it did unlock OK. The symptoms manifested
    themselves in the dash lights flashing like a demented Christmas Tree when
    the power was turned on and the usual clicking from the solenoid when
    turning the key to the start position. Using jump leads the vehicle
    started fine and, after I charged the battery overnight, it has been OK

    I do not know what drain is on the battery when the vehicle is locked.
    Presumably some usage by the radio (including anti-theft device) and
    computer. I do not know whether this model has an alarm fitted. After
    the incident I checked thoroughly and nothing had been left switched on.

    My question is should the battery have gone flat after the vehicle was
    standing locked for three weeks or am I looking at a dying battery. Four
    years and 52K miles seems a short life for a battery considering that I have
    just replaced the original on my Peugeot 406 after eleven years and 132K

    Any thoughts please?
    Tinkerer, Aug 14, 2010
  2. Tinkerer

    J.L.Hemmer Guest

    On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 11:28:42 +0100, "Tinkerer"


    Four years?! I live in a hot climate. Four years is about the MAX I
    expect out of a battery. My wife's '97 Altima (traded in on an 08
    Civic) chewed up a battery every 18 months or so. Everything was
    checked (many times) and no problems ever found. The only answer was
    that the heat and possible added heat from placement in the engine
    compartment was the 'killer'.

    I generally don't trust batteries after about three years. However,
    I'm sure others here will have their own opinions.
    J.L.Hemmer, Aug 15, 2010
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