Battery Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Yates AT, Jul 16, 2003.

  1. Yates AT

    Yates AT Guest

    Had to jump start my 2001 Civic. I hadn't driven the car in about two weeks
    and would like to know if not driving the car for a while would cause the
    battery to go dead. The car only has 5500 miles on it. The dealer checked in
    out and told me I must have left a light on or something as the battery checked
    out fine. A few days later the car did start but it strained a bit. My
    husband put water in the battery thinking that might be the problem. Someone
    at the dealer told me you shouldn't put water in the battery. Is it true that
    you shouldn't put water in a battery?
    Yates AT, Jul 16, 2003
  2. Unless the battery is in bad shape, two weeks is too short a time to drain
    the battery. There should be some drain with everything turned off, due to
    the power required to keep the clock/radio/ECM circuits alive. You need to
    get the drain current measured, with an ammeter and if it's too high find
    the culprit... usually by removing fuses.
    Some batteries are zero maintenance and never need water added but they
    usually don't have plugs which allow access for topping up. IME if the
    battery has such plugs, it's a "low maintenance" battery and may need
    occasional topping up... say once every 2 years or so but worth checking
    every year.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 16, 2003
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