Battery Replacement

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by twfsa, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    Do you wait till your battery fails berofe replaceing or change it out
    before hand? Thinking of replaceing the battery in my 01 CR-V.

    twfsa, Oct 23, 2004
  2. twfsa

    Caroline Guest

    I now change the battery before it dies. Reports are that use of older
    batteries may shorten the alternator's life. See below for citations on this.

    My 91 Civic, 158k miles, is on its fourth battery and second alternator. The
    first two batteries each died after 4.5 years. The car was driven in mostly
    Northern climates. Each had a few jumps performed on them, which I understand
    tends to shorten battery life. The alternator died after eight years.

    Businesses like Sears, dealerships, and independent shops offer battery checks
    for a small fee. Autozone will do a battery check for free but I'm not sure I'd
    rely on what Autozone's "experts" find. Still, it's no charge. Google on the net
    for details on what these checks include.

    I keep an eye on how the car is cranking at cold startup. With experience, one
    can often tell when the the battery is near-death. I also have benchmark
    readings of the battery voltage with the car running, with headlights on and not
    running, everything off.

    Three years seems a little soon. Do you have any symptoms of the battery going
    bad? Had many jump starts on it? IIRC, some have reported getting as much as
    seven years ou of their Honda battery.

    Re dying batteries damaging the alternator:

    "A weak battery that is not storing enough power will cause the alternator to
    work harder and possibly cause premature alternator failure. Dirty or corroded
    battery terminals can severely reduce the lifespan of the battery and

    " ...depleted batteries make recharging much more difficult, shortening
    alternator life."

    "By maintaining batteries in peak condition alternators do not work as hard,
    batteries accept charge more readily so alternator life is extended. Healthy
    batteries start engines easier, so your starter should also last longer."
    Caroline, Oct 23, 2004
  3. twfsa

    Larry Guest

    Do what you think is prudent for your situation. My 99 Civic's battery was
    showing signs of going bad 2 months ago....slower slightly labored cranking
    than normal for I went to Costco and replaced it for $36. The
    original battery lasted just over 5 yrs, the longest lasting battery I've
    ever had.
    Larry, Oct 23, 2004
  4. twfsa

    Elbert Guest

    I still have the originial battery in my 99 accord. Its a panasonic
    and its never failed so far. I've not been able to find any panasonic
    car batteries. I think I will replace mine in the near future just to
    play it safe, but I would like to buy another Panasonci battery if
    possible. Anyone know who carries those?

    I don't belive the local honda dealer carries the panasonic brand, I'm
    almost certain you could be the dealer price just about anywhere

    To really test the battery you'll need to have it load tested.
    (comment on originial thread)
    Elbert, Oct 23, 2004
  5. twfsa

    bearman Guest

    One of the problems when changing batteries is losing all the settings on
    your radio. I get around that problem by connecting a 9V battery across the
    car battery cables until I get the new battery in place and the cables
    reconnected. Works beautifully.

    bearman, Oct 23, 2004
  6. twfsa

    Al Smith Guest

    Should be too early. My 98 Civic could be getting close, but less
    than 4 years is too early.
    Al Smith, Oct 24, 2004
  7. twfsa

    RAO Guest

    Last year I replaced my 98 Accord battery, I bought it at Cosco for $45.00
    its very easy to replaced and so far it runs great, I didn't have to pay for
    a boost.

    RAO, Oct 24, 2004
  8. twfsa

    rastapasta Guest

    I've seen people mention this before on this board. How do you do this? It
    sounds dangerous. Thnx.

    lol. very true.
    rastapasta, Oct 30, 2004
  9. When I lived in Phoenix I never had a battery make it through a third
    summer. I knew people who got nearly four years on a battery there, by
    buying it toward the end of summer (say, October) one year and replacing it
    when it died. Hot climates are murder on batteries.

    Michael Pardee, Oct 31, 2004
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