Best anti-theft device for 2000 honda accord lx

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Cheech, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. Cheech

    Cheech Guest

    There haas been recent car thefts in my area and I need something to
    insure my car will be here in the morning when I go to bed at night.
    You guys have any recommendations for anti-theft devices/systems that
    really work? Thanks for the help in advance.
    Cheech, Jun 17, 2006

  2. -------------------------------------

    A crack-head with a double-barrel shotgun sleeping in the back seat is a
    good one . .

    'Curly Q. Links', Jun 18, 2006
  3. Not far off track. When I lived in a particularly bad neighborhood (my
    apartment was broken into three times within a 2 week span) nobody's car was
    ever disturbed on the street. Everybody knew that if they were caught
    messing with somebody's car a quick death was too much to hope for.

    Michael Pardee, Jun 18, 2006
  4. Cheech

    Jay Fowler Guest

    I highly recomend a product called Autolok 2000. It completely covers
    the steering wheel airbag, is highly visible and very difficult to
    defeat. If you do an internet search, you'll see alot of positive
    reviews. I've had two of them for several years and aside from the
    inconveniance of storing when not in use, they're great.
    Jay Fowler, Jul 3, 2006
  5. Cheech

    Burt Guest

    This product has its limitations. First being that it doesn't cover the
    rest of the wheel and can be defeated with a ordinary hammer. Here
    is an image they don't want you to see.

    Many steering wheels are bendable in case you smash
    yourself in a collision. One of the best security is an
    electronic immobilzer integrated into the car's computer
    that is secured and hidden.
    Burt, Jul 12, 2006
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