Best anti-theft device for Honda Accord LX

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Cheech, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. Cheech

    Cheech Guest

    There haas been recent car thefts in my area and I need something to
    insure my car will be here in the morning when I go to bed at night.
    You guys have any recommendations for anti-theft devices/systems that
    really work? Thanks for the help in advance.
    Cheech, Jun 17, 2006
  2. Cheech

    jim beam Guest

    if you can't move to a better neighborhood or get the local cops to show
    occasionally, the next best thing is deployment of a garage and
    rottweiler. make sure the rottweiler's chain is sufficiently long for
    it to be free to fully embed it's teeth deep into the flesh of the
    would-be thief. also, eventually, allow the thief to [just] escape so
    they can tell all their cracker buddies which car to avoid next time.
    an insurance policy such as those offered by companies like smith &
    wesson have some advantages too.

    further research areas include figuring out the theft method. if cars
    are being winched onto the back of a truck, there's not much you can do
    short of the above. if however they're being hot-wired, use of a secret
    disabler switch works wonders. google this group for plenty of ideas in
    that department. all you need to do is make the car hard to steal
    quickly. if it takes too long, the risk starts getting too high and
    they're out of there.
    jim beam, Jun 17, 2006
  3. Cheech

    Todd K. Guest

    A cracked windshield, whiskey mark on the door, and general trashy
    interior seems to work for me :eek:)

    Todd K.
    Todd K., Jun 20, 2006
  4. Crackheads will steal any stupid crap. I once had $20 Radio Shack
    mini-subs drivers stolen. Calculate the depreciation for the gobs of
    silicone glue and decaying surrounds and you're looking at maybe $6.50

    I swear I never had to tailgate anybody for the week when my windshield
    was cracked. There's a whole different use for the psycho look.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Jun 21, 2006
  5. Cheech

    smile_of_dog Guest

    I have a a shift lock made by Mult-T-Lock. It takes a second to put on
    and it quickly becomes a habit that you do without thinking. They are
    expensive but mine has been in use for 10 years/190,000 miles.
    smile_of_dog, Jul 3, 2006
  6. Cheech

    Ron Guest

    "The Club"

    Had my 95 Accord stolen once and the cop suggest "The Club". Said he has
    never seen one stolen that was using one.

    I think I paid $20 for it. Best $20 I've ever spent. I use it EVERY time
    I park my car now.
    Ron, Jul 3, 2006
  7. "Whiskey mark"?
    Sparky Spartacus, Jul 4, 2006
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