best Honda dealer in SF Bay Area?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by darth_breather, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. I'm trying to buy a Honda Civic. Which is the best dealer in the SF Bay



    darth_breather, Jul 27, 2006
  2. darth_breather

    jim beam Guest

    there isn't one. they're all remarkably expensive and similarly
    over-priced. scary. you need to drive at least two hours out of town
    to get reality. l.a. is worth consideration too.
    1. test drive locally to decide /exactly/ what you want.
    2. make a list.
    3. call around stating up front that you know what you want but that
    you're shopping on price. if they agree to listen, give them your exact
    list. if they try to steer you, call the next dealer, etc.

    eventually, you'll find someone that knows the drill and they'll agree
    terms over the phone. have them fax or email you their agreement with
    spec and price. drive over and collect!

    i had luck like this in modesto. my girlfriend got hers from a dealer
    in sacramento. above all, stick to your guns and keep calling!
    jim beam, Jul 28, 2006
  3. try (kelly blue book )

    Select exact car you want.
    Ask for quote from livermore honda.

    I got back a quote way under MSRP and they stuck to it through the
    No hassle.

    Good luck
    smjns51-local, Jul 29, 2006
  4. Thanks smj and Jim.

    darth_breather, Aug 2, 2006
  5. Thought you might want to know how it came out.

    Talked with Livermore Honda, and got very courteous and prompt
    response, but they didnt have the EX car we wanted and couldnt say
    exactly when it would arriove.

    Talked with Victor and Jacqueline at Grace Honda in San Bruno also
    very helpful and offered the best price but the one they had in stock
    sold before we decided and they didnt know when they wd get more.

    Ended with a Toyota Corolla with 15 inche alloy wheels cost about
    $2000 less than the Honda and was available right there. Got it from
    the friendly lot at SFToyota.
    darth_breather, Aug 8, 2006
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