Best Method Of Rust proofing

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Hank, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. Hank

    Hank Guest

    I am thinking of having my 2004 Accord rust proofed before the first snow
    fall, which should be any day now!!
    I find it a bit confusing because so many Co. are claiming there method is
    the best.
    Anybody have a opinion on the best method.
    I live in a cold snowy climate and the City uses tons & tons of road salt
    every winter.(Ottawa Ontario, Canada.)

    Also the Honda salesman stated unless you go through Honda to have the rust
    proofing done it would void your warranty.
    This sounds like BS to me. your opinion please.
    Hank, Nov 3, 2004
  2. Hank

    Frank Guest

    Hi there

    I am in Ottawa as well and have an new 04 acura RSX. The dealer,
    Camco, also told me it would void my warranty if I get it rust
    proofed by someone else then Zeibart (they use a wax paste,
    apparently). I called Acura who mentioned that this is not true.
    The only time that such application would "void" the warranty is,
    according to Acura, if they drill holes and the holes rust, or
    they drill through electrical components, or they spray stuff
    that shorts your connections. These are all possible, but
    unlikely, in my opinion.

    Because I researched and called a few places, I 've learned a lot
    about rust proofing and posted a DIY in this group (or could have
    been I ended up doing it myself with 4 cans
    of Rust Check. I took out the door panels and the rear panels
    very easily and sprayed liberally in there. I also sprayed in the
    rear hatch and front fenders. I did the rear bumber as well. I
    think I did a pretty nice job: I sprayed a lot, and ONLY where I
    wanted it to go. And I did not have to drill holes in my new
    car! I am a believer in having the undercarriage done so I am
    going to the cheapest place I can find here and it is at Walmart.
    They use a Oilguard and I read good thing about it (they cannot
    screw this, can they?). However, I do not trust them to do the
    panels, so I am only having them do the undercarriage at the

    Be careful where you go. It is also true that Honda/acura's
    rubber seal will be affected by oil based rust proofing products.
    They "sag" with applications. I was told that with Krown, **if
    you tell them**, they will coat them with silicon which protects
    them. On the other hand, wax-based products like Canadian Tire
    and Zeibart can/will dry, crack and block drainage holes.

    So where does this leave it for you? Well, DIY or, if not, I
    guess the best place to get it done here in Ottawa is
    Metropolitain Rust Proofing. I trust them more then Krown and
    Rust Check.

    My 2 canadian cents.
    Frank, Nov 4, 2004
  3. Hank

    Eightupman Guest

    Next time you do an oil change, recycle it and slather it all over the
    underside of the car.
    Eightupman, Nov 4, 2004
  4. Hank

    Hank Guest

    Frank, thanks for the excellent information
    I better get it done real soon. Snow expected tonight.
    Hank, Nov 4, 2004
  5. Hank

    Hank Guest

    Eigthupman, your Brilliant, just Brilliant!

    Hank, Nov 4, 2004
  6. Hank

    Eightupman Guest

    And when you have to take it in for warranty work, take it to a car wash,
    and remove said road grime.
    Eightupman, Nov 5, 2004
  7. Hank

    tomb Guest

    Please, dispose of motor oil (and other fluids) properly. Left to go down
    the drain, they damage your environment, and by means of the cyclical
    character of nature, eventually you and your kids.

    Eightupman wrote:
    | And when you have to take it in for warranty work, take it to a car
    | wash, and remove said road grime.
    || ||| Eigthupman, your Brilliant, just Brilliant!
    ||| |||| Next time you do an oil change, recycle it and slather it all over
    |||| the underside of the car.
    |||| ||||| I am thinking of having my 2004 Accord rust proofed before the
    ||||| first
    || snow
    ||||| fall, which should be any day now!!
    ||||| I find it a bit confusing because so many Co. are claiming there
    ||||| method is
    ||||| the best.
    ||||| Anybody have a opinion on the best method.
    ||||| I live in a cold snowy climate and the City uses tons & tons of
    ||||| road salt
    ||||| every winter.(Ottawa Ontario, Canada.)
    ||||| Also the Honda salesman stated unless you go through Honda to
    ||||| have the
    |||| rust
    ||||| proofing done it would void your warranty.
    ||||| This sounds like BS to me. your opinion please.
    tomb, Nov 5, 2004
  8. Hank

    Hank Guest

    Brilliant, Eightupman

    Hank, Nov 5, 2004
  9. Hank

    Eightupman Guest

    Really? I like to leave the antifreeze in the drain pan so the stray cats
    will drink it and die. Then I take the motor oil, and soak the concrete in
    my driveway so the ants will not make nests in the cracks and no weeds will
    grow either.

    COME ON PEOPLE!!!! I am severely joking here.......
    Eightupman, Nov 5, 2004
  10. Hank

    Hank Guest

    No, and all this time I thought you were just "Brilliant"
    Hank, Nov 5, 2004
  11. Hank

    Eightupman Guest

    Actually Hank, I know of several Old Timers that DO actually take the used
    motor oil, and "rustproof" thier OLDER cars and swear by it....Now it could
    be merely that there was no place TO put the used oil, except by the dead
    elm tree on the back 40. Some take fine sand, and mix it with the oil. Now
    I do not think they would put it on newer cars. With all the options out
    there now, I don't think I would personally undercoat my car with oil. Now
    my 4X4 on the other hand........
    Eightupman, Nov 6, 2004
  12. Hank

    tomb Guest

    Eightupman wrote:
    | Really? I like to leave the antifreeze in the drain pan so the
    | stray cats will drink it and die. Then I take the motor oil, and
    | soak the concrete in my driveway so the ants will not make nests in
    | the cracks and no weeds will grow either.
    | COME ON PEOPLE!!!! I am severely joking here.......

    Good to hear that. Nowadays I'm never quite sure whether people make a joke
    or are serious...
    tomb, Nov 6, 2004
  13. Hank

    Brian Smith Guest

    I remember the government using old (and possibly new) oil on roads to keep
    the dust down.


    Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for
    anything, but you still can't help but smile when
    you see one tumble down the stairs.
    Brian Smith, Nov 6, 2004
  14. Hank

    Eightupman Guest

    I like to stir the pot every once in a while......keeps things spicy.
    Eightupman, Nov 6, 2004
  15. Hank

    Darrell Guest

    Chassy Saver
    Darrell, Nov 7, 2004
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