black substance in coolant overflow.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by renison03, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. renison03

    renison03 Guest

    my parents accord recently had a black substance (looks like oil) in
    their coolant over flow in their 99 2.3L accord ex. just wondering if
    there was a history of bad head gaskets on these cars, or if maybe
    there is a transmission oil cooler in the radiator that could have
    caused the mix.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Car is an Automatic with 160k on the odometer.
    renison03, Feb 5, 2007
  2. renison03

    Tegger Guest

    Please describe this "black substance" in more detail.

    Is it flaky-looking? Oily liquid puddles? Tarry? Thick? Thin? Floating?
    Sunk? What?
    Tegger, Feb 5, 2007
  3. renison03

    motsco_ Guest


    That's not the 'overflow', but the 'reservoir'. If the level is below
    the MIN line, whatever you see in there doesn't count. Fill it to MAX
    and then check it next time the engine is cool and report back if
    there's black stuff in it.

    motsco_, Feb 5, 2007
  4. renison03

    renison03 Guest

    the best way i can describe it is as black tar, sunk to the bottom.
    when i pull out the hose in the overflow tank, it looks like black
    cake batter
    renison03, Feb 5, 2007
  5. Did your parents have their cooling system serviced at some
    point(coolant change or hoses or thermostat replaced)? If so, it's
    possible that whoever did it threw in a can of sealant "just in case".
    This stuff sometimes doesn't get fully distributed and some of it
    collects in the resevoir. Looks like what you described.

    Kenneth J. Harris, Feb 5, 2007
  6. renison03

    renison03 Guest

    Car was recently purchased from a small lot dealer. We have no
    knowledge of the coolant system being service. black substance is
    below the minimum fill line on the resivior and there doesnt look to
    be any oil or black substance floating in the radiator. any more
    renison03, Feb 19, 2007
  7. renison03

    motsco_ Guest


    If you can see the stuff below the MIN line, the reservoir is EMPTY. The
    reservoir is never supposed to be empty, so just add about 1.5 litres of
    coolant to the system to bring it up to the MAX mark and then do it
    again in a couple days after the system has had a chance to purge some air.

    motsco_, Feb 20, 2007
  8. renison03

    renison03 Guest

    coolant is above the the minimum line, black slime is below it
    renison03, Mar 5, 2007
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