Hi all, I'm the owner of a 1994 Honda Civic DX. Well anyhoo, I was driving to work the other day, and all of a sudden my engine started missing. Pulled up to a stop sign, and as I'm idling I look out my rear window and I notice a plume of white smoke coming from my tailpipe... I sputtered away from the stop sign and drove the rest of the way to work (I was about 2 or 3 miles away by this point) leaving a contrail of white smoke behind me... Got there, checked the oil, and there was no unusual milky residue or anything. The coolant was low so I topped that off... after work I brought it to the nearest garage, with the same symptoms on the way (sputtering at idle, THICK cloud of smoke that, from as best I could tell was steaming antifreeze) Haven't heard back yet, but it seems fairly obvious that it's the head gasket. Unless there's something I'm missing? That being said, I have a couple of questions - 1. Two days prior I picked up a bottle of injector cleaner and added it to my fuel. Is it possible that this somehow worsened the condition, and made it manifest itself now? 2. Wouldn't there be residue in the oil if it's steaming this badly? Or is it possible that the anti-freeze is steaming and being blown out of the engine via the tailpipe without falling into the oil pan? 3. Is there anything else that could cause symptoms like this, or is it pretty much guaranteed that my own assumption is correct?