[QUOTE="Mike Doyle"] Hi Elle. No answers, but a few ? Where is a good source to buy the Mity-Vac?[/QUOTE] The Mity-Vac (metal pump) kit I bought for around is the following: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=2068 It's on sale for about now. Take a printout of the site above with you to the store to get the sale price. Harbor Freight also sells a plastic pump version for around . It is probably just fine. From googling more on this, a lot of people have had "one person brake bleed/flush" success with "Speed Bleeder valves." One removes the old bleeder bolts and installs these in their place. See site www.speedbleeder.com . Pep Boys sells these one way (= check) valves, too. [QUOTE] I'm getting ready to do a flush. Any trouble getting the bleeders off?[/QUOTE] No, though if it's been awhile, I'd spray down the threads as best I could with the penetrating oil "PB Blaster" (around for a big spray can). Great stuff. I think I have read of people overtorquing and so breaking these tiny bolts, though. Only 7 ft-lbs. is specified in the manual for my 91 Civic. [QUOTE] I don't know when mine were last touched, & hope they don't cause trouble. .... I used a 32 oz ( = two pints) container of Valvoline I plan on using Motul Dot 5.1 fluid. Anyone have any comments on this?[/QUOTE] Isn't that silicone brake fluid (to be distinguished from the "synthetic" DOT 3 and 4 brake fluids)? It doesn't mix with the DOT 3 and 4, as I understand it. I don't think there's much reason to use other than DOT 3 and 4. Googling for {"Brake fluid" silicone "DOT 3"} etc. turns up a lot. E.g. see http://www.afcoracing.com/tech_pages/fluid.shtml Let the group know how it goes... :-) I found it a little tricky the first time but the second time was a breeze, like I said, though I hope to improve on the rear brakes' bleed part.