Brake job '03 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Josh D, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. Josh D

    Josh D Guest

    Looks like it's time for the brakes to be done on my Accord. Is it me or is
    30k miles early for the rear brakes to go?

    Anyway, I'm getting a metallic rub, not a grind, but a ringing when there's
    no brakes applied. No grinding when applied though.

    So, what am I looking at as far as changing the pads and rotors? Anyone do a
    write-up online anywhere? I've done lots of brakes over the years, but I've
    found that each car has its nuances.

    Thanks for any advice,

    Josh D, Apr 10, 2006
  2. Josh D

    rjdriver Guest

    Rear pads on my 03 Accord went around 35m miles also. I thought it was
    rather odd. My experience has always been that fronts go first. I just hit
    70m and am ready for my second rear pad replacment and first front pad
    replacment almost at the same time.

    If you live in the rust belt, there's an excellent tutorial here:

    It uses an Acura Integra as the main ginnea pig, but has pics of the
    corresponding parts on the 03 Accord as well. Great advice on the finer
    points of brake maintenance, even if you don't have a rust issue.

    rjdriver, Apr 10, 2006
  3. Josh D

    tww Guest

    Seems early to me. But, I don't know anything about the newer Accords. My
    01 Prelude is at 65k on the original pads -- dealer says they are less than
    1/2 worn. My wife's 03 Pilot is OK at 45k with only about 45% wear. And,
    the 03 Civic LX I use as a commuter is OK at 36k with wear to go.
    tww, Apr 11, 2006
  4. Josh D

    M.Paul Guest

    30-35K mi is normal life of rear Accord pads, and yes they wear out before
    the fronts because they are so much smaller. Easy job - nothing difficult
    about it.
    M.Paul, Apr 11, 2006
  5. Josh D

    John Horner Guest

    That is about when the rear brake pads wore out on my '03 Accord as
    well. Oddly enough, the rears wore out before the fronts. I did the
    work myself, but it was over a year ago and I don't remember the
    details. Nothing was especially odd about them and if you have worked
    on other disk brake systems you should not have any big problems.

    John Horner, Apr 11, 2006
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