Brake pad renewal

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by richard, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. richard

    richard Guest

    I am renewing the pads in my 1999 accord but cannot get the piston to
    retract to enable the new (thicker) pads to fit.
    Any idea's what to do?

    Thanks Richard
    richard, Sep 21, 2005
  2. richard

    Elle Guest


    - Use a large C-clamp. (The manual says "use a suitable tool.")

    - Top off the brake fluid reservoir (to the high mark, that is). Crack open
    the bleed valve at the caliper to relieve pressure. Do not let too much
    fluid drain. Push the piston in etc. Re-topoff the brake fluid reservoir.

    With the second way you run the risk of getting air into the brake system,
    and you may have to take some pains to bleed it.
    Elle, Sep 21, 2005
  3. richard

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Are these the REAR brakes?

    If so, then DO NOT Use a C-clamp! They SCREW in (clockwise)!

    If it's the fronts, then yes, a C-clamp as Elle suggests will do just fine.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 21, 2005
  4. richard

    richard Guest

    Wicked, thanks to you all I was wondering if they might screw!

    richard, Sep 22, 2005
  5. richard

    jim beam Guest

    open the bleed nipple too - makes sure all the old contaminated brake
    fluid is expelled.
    jim beam, Sep 22, 2005
  6. richard

    tubeguy Guest

    I've always used "C" clamps, with small shims when needed. I have used this
    method on American made cars, don't know if the Honda pistons are similar
    enough, though.
    tubeguy, Sep 24, 2005
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