Brake Pedal still mushy after brake job

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by croweasley, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. Um, "air" is a mixture of several gases, the most prevalent one being
    Nitrogen (approx. 78% IIRC). Hard to imagine any significant difference
    in diffusing.

    Reminds me somewhat of the "enriched" water for sale in my local deli a
    few years ago. It was enriched with extra oxygen to promote good health
    - I asked the guy how he could differentiate it from hydrogen peroxide
    (H2O2). Got a really blank look. :)
    Sparky Spartacus, Dec 3, 2005
  2. Unlike plain old air, race cars sometimes use pure nitrogen in the
    tires becasue the pressure build-up as the tire heats up is more
    predictable. Pure notrigen also doesn't react with the rubber inside
    your tires to an extent.
    This "enriched" water has excess oxygen, more than the 2 to 1 ratio
    of H2O water. There are two types; one with a high reduction
    potential (ionized "enriched" water) and the other with a high oxidation
    potential like H2O2.

    And, yes, I do take this "enriched" water and H2O2. H2O2,
    on the hand, reacts with your tissues just like plain old
    oxygen do to tires.
    Ricky Spartacus, Dec 4, 2005
  3. Which has what to do with the OP's question regarding *diffusion*?
    The only place O2 does a human being any good is in the lungs (and
    subsequently the bloodstream - do you know why cardiac patients and
    people who've had diving accidents are put on O2 and why it's via a
    nasal cannula/face mask and not by mouth or injection?), otherwise it's
    free radicals and harmful - how badly do you want to oxidize your GI tract?
    Sparky Spartacus, Dec 9, 2005
  4. croweasley

    Kam Guest

    Can't you differentiate by pumping the brakes? if you cannot pump the
    brakes to stiffness (each successive pump remains spongey) then it's
    probably the master cylinder seals?
    Kam, Aug 29, 2006
  5. croweasley

    jim beam Guest

    well, dissolved oxygen is definitely not peroxide...
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2006
  6. croweasley

    jim beam Guest

    as you probably remember from biology classes and the semi-permeable
    membrane experiment, diffusion depends on molecule size. as stated
    earlier, air is a mix of gases, some being larger, some smaller than
    nitrogen. if pure nitrogen is used, the diffusion rate will /not/
    include the relatively rapid "disappearance" of the small molecules.
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2006
  7. croweasley

    jim beam Guest

    if it's still spongy, there's still air in the system. seals are
    effectively inelastic.
    jim beam, Aug 29, 2006
  8. croweasley

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Ever tasted peroxide? Yuck.

    This "enriched" water in the deli is the same stuff you create in your
    fish tank with that little bubbler thing. Mixing dissolved free oxygen
    in with H2O is not the same thing as chemically binding O2 to H2.
    TeGGeR®, Aug 29, 2006
  9. croweasley

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Either air or a failed MC can both be pumped up. That is not a reliable
    TeGGeR®, Aug 29, 2006
  10. croweasley

    Kam Guest

    Well, when this happened to my civic a while back, the master cylinder
    seals were the problem. I was totally unable to pump the brakes to
    stiffness at all, even after bleeding the air out. The mechanic suggested
    to me that the inability to pump to stiffness combined with the bleeding
    indicated the master cylinder seals. :-?
    Kam, Sep 1, 2006
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